FDMZOs Alumni MeetUp

As part of the Career Week program of Josip Juraj Strossmayer  University in Osijek, an interactive workshop Health Scientific Creatives: FDMZOs Alumni MeetUp was held at the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek on May 19, 2023, and the meeting was moderated by Željko Mudri, mag.med tech. The aim of the meeting was to popularize science and scientific careers among the population of nurses and medical technicians. During the workshop, a short introductory lecture was given on the education of nurses in the Republic of Croatia, from school to post-graduate education. Presenter Željko Mudri, M.Sc., spoke about the experience of studying at the postgraduate level. med. tech. and Renata Apatić, a first-year student of the doctoral program in Biomedicine and Health. Workshop participants asked questions about the study experience, enrollment requirements, and opportunities for advancement in science and teaching, as well as the possibility of establishing a doctoral program in biomedicine and health and the nursing branch within the home faculty. After the introductory section, participants took part in a self-assessment based on Schwartz's theory of universal content and value structures. Based on this, they assessed their own value orientation system, which significantly correlates with career orientations. After the self-assessment, they applied the information about the universal content and value structure theory and the knowledge about the primary personality factors in profiling nurses in clinical settings and nurses in academic settings. In the final part of the workshop, participants applied their previously acquired knowledge of academic and research work in the context of reviewing articles with the assistance of a facilitator. In this setting, experiences and advice on objectifying science and answers to questions related to the process of publishing articles in science were presented. The workshop ended with an open discussion, a final evaluation, and thanks to all participants for their extremely active participation.

1. Poslijediplomskom tečaju stalnog medicinskog usavršavanja I. kategorije „Osnove palijativne skrbi“


REHABILITACIJA U KLINIČKOJ MEDICINI - kardiovaskularna rehabilitacija


1. poslijediplomski tečaj stalnog medicinskog usavršavanja I. kategorije “Sport i srce”


Izražavanje zdravstvenih djelatnika na znanstveno-stručnim skupovima i u publikacijama


Suvremeno sestrinstvo: povijest kao temelj, teorija kao izvor, obrazovanje kao put, kvaliteta kao obveza, znanost kao istina.


Nursing Education and Science (NES)

Scientific-professional Journal