The 5th transnational project team meeting of the project "Design and Implementation of a Master Degree in palliative care"

From 2 to 4 March 2023, the 5th transnational project meeting of the project team "Design and implementation of master degree in palliative care" was held in the premises of the Faculty of Health Studies - University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Dentistry.
The members of the project team from the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health in Osijek, the University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences and the University of Sarajevo reviewed the draft of the joint study program in a three-day working meeting and agreed on all necessary activities for the successful completion of the study program document and the completion of the implementation of the project activities. The participants of the meeting expressed their satisfaction with the cooperation of the three institutions in the implementation of the project and the great motivation of the project team for the successful completion of the study program, which would meet the growing needs of the labor market for competent providers of palliative care in healthcare institutions.

1. Poslijediplomskom tečaju stalnog medicinskog usavršavanja I. kategorije „Osnove palijativne skrbi“


REHABILITACIJA U KLINIČKOJ MEDICINI - kardiovaskularna rehabilitacija


1. poslijediplomski tečaj stalnog medicinskog usavršavanja I. kategorije “Sport i srce”


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