Students of the fifth year of Dental Medicine held a workshop for the students of Višnjevac elementary school

Students of the fifth year of Dental Medicine held a workshop for the students of Višnjevac elementary school

For several years, our students have been visiting the lower grades of elementary school as part of the Paediatric and Preventive Dentistry course to raise awareness of prevention and the importance o...
EduCanNURS - Towards Cancer Care Continuum Approach in Undergraduate Nursing Education

EduCanNURS - Towards Cancer Care Continuum Approach in Undergraduate Nursing Education

Cancer is one of the most common diseases in developed societies globally. Cancer care setting is demanding for nurses and it requires special competences in the overall cancer care continuum.
Diagnostics, examination of the patient, preparation for prosthetic treatment, treatment and mistakes in treatment using removable dentures

Diagnostics, examination of the patient, preparation for prosthetic treatment, treatment and mistakes in treatment using removable dentures

As part of the Eramsus+ mobility of teaching staff, Professor Magdalena Wyszyńska, MD. dent. (Department of Dental Materials, Department of Dental Prosthetics, Medical University of Silesia, Katowice,...
Prizes for the best scientific papers in 2022

Prizes for the best scientific papers in 2022

At its meeting on November 28, 2023, the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek awarded prizes for the best scientific papers in the calendar year 2022.
Are you interested in joining our project consortium?

Are you interested in joining our project consortium?

DDS-MAP, a project funded under EU4Health program, is looking for organizations to join the consortium as associated partners. The project aims to develop new training provision for healthcare and all...
The GRAND PRIX for the best innovation in 2023 went to the team from the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek

The GRAND PRIX for the best innovation in 2023 went to the team from the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek

The international exhibition of innovations, prototypes and business plans INOVA/BUDI UZOR took place in Zagreb from September 26 to 28, 2023 under the motto "Dare to create!" The main organizers of t...
20th International Scientific Conference of the International Society for Clinical Bioethics

20th International Scientific Conference of the International Society for Clinical Bioethics

Respected members of the International Society for Clinical Bioethics, distinguished guests, presenters of interdisciplinary scientific bio-ethical, philosophical, theological, tourism and environment...
Calling all healthcare and allied professionals across the EU!

Calling all healthcare and allied professionals across the EU!

The EU4Health project DDS-MAP is conducting a comprehensive EU-wide survey of healthcare workers covering topics like digital skills, digital healthcare implementation, current and emerging issues and...
Student Anamaria Kurtović was honoured at the Congress of Dental Medicine Students

Student Anamaria Kurtović was honoured at the Congress of Dental Medicine Students

Students of the Integrated undergraduate and graduate university study programme of Dental medicine of the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek attended the Second Congress of Students of Dent...