The Dynamic Digital Skills for Agility and Resilience in Medical and Allied Professions (DDS-MAP)

Project acronym: DDS-MAP

Project duration: 01.03.2023. -  01.09.2025. 

Call: EU4H-2022-PJ

Topic: EU4H-2022-PJ-06

Type of action: EU4H Project Grants


The Dynamic Digital Skills for Agility and Resilience in Medical and Allied Professions(DDS-MAP), brings together a consortium of HEIs (Medical, Nursing, Education and Digital Technology), NGOs, health authority and health insurers to develop new training module provision informed by a co-creation process with stakeholders DDS-MAP , reflecting the principals outlined in the Pact for Skills (2020) to create an eco-system that facilitates learning and mastery of new and emerging digital technologies and their associated challenges. DDS-MAP will embed student awareness, knowledge  and self-reflection about their engagement and use with such digital technologies in learning. DDS-MAP will build and deliver a platform of three generic modules that can be adapted to the needs of multiple disciplines within the health workforce. The adaptation of the generic modules will be achieved through a co-creation process with the relevant stakeholders to inform specific discipline content. A fourth module, which promotes personal resilience and well-being, will be targeted at train the trainers, with an emphasis on a multi-disciplinary delivery. Employing micro-credentialing, and utilizing virtual and augmented reality these modules can be taken as standalone CPD or as one certificated programme.



  • South East Technological University (Setu),
  • Ibk Management Solutions (Ibk),
  • University College Dublin, National University Of Ireland, Dublin (Nuid Ucd),
  • Univerza V Mariboru (Um),
  • Ostfalia Hochschule Fuer Angewandte Wissenschaften
  • Hochschule Braunschweig Wolfenbuttel (Ostfalia),
  • Universita Degli Studi Di Udine (Uniud),
  • Klaipedos Universitetas (Klaipedos),
  • Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek , Faculty of Dental medicine and Health Osijek (FDMZ),
  • Uniwersytet Medyczny W Lublinie (Mul),
  • Asociacion De Industrias De Conocimiento Y Tecnologia - Gaia -
  • Euskalherriko Ezagutza Eta Teknologia Industrien Elkartea (Gaia)
  • Azienda Unita Sanitaria Locale Di Teramo (Asl Teramo)
  • European Association Of Service Providers For Persons With
  • Disabilities (Easpd)
  • Biedriba Eurofortis (Befo)
  • Mutualia Mutua Colaboradora Con La Seguridad Social No 2(Mutualia)
  • Rigas Stradina Universitate (Rsu)

1. Poslijediplomskom tečaju stalnog medicinskog usavršavanja I. kategorije „Osnove palijativne skrbi“


REHABILITACIJA U KLINIČKOJ MEDICINI - kardiovaskularna rehabilitacija


1. poslijediplomski tečaj stalnog medicinskog usavršavanja I. kategorije “Sport i srce”


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