Graduate University Study Programme in Physical Therapy

Type of study programme:

University programme

Location of the study programme:


Duration of the study programme:

2 years, i.e. 4 semesters (120 ECTS points)

Academic title obtained upon completion of studies:

Master in Physical Therapy – mag.physioth.

Conditions of enrolment

Legal acts (the Statute of the University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek, the Statute of the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek, the Work Regulations of Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek and the Ordinance on conducting the state graduation exam) prescribe the status of a student, which implies the manner in which a student acquires this status, who has the right to enrol, the manner in which an applicant obtains the right to enrol in the first year and higher years of studies.

Conditions of enrolment in a graduate university study programme in physical therapy are determined on the basis of the above mentioned legal acts, as well as on the basis of the Ordinance on Studying.
Based on the principles of quality and the vertical and horizontal mobility through the education system, study programs allow further education to people who have:

a) completed the undergraduate university study programme in physical therapy

b) completed a professional study programme in physical therapy with a teaching load of minimum 120 ECTS and with defined differential exams

c) completed a similar professional or university undergraduate study programme (in the field of biomedicine or health-care), with defined differential exams

The selection of candidates will be done by forming a classification procedure during which the best candidates will be chosen in a transparent manner.

Enrolment in a graduate study programme is carried out on the basis of a public tender whose preconditions are published in the daily press, on the web pages of the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek and the University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek, as well as on the web pages of educational institutions which are the locations for the performing of the study programme.

Enrolment in the first year of the graduate study programme includes the following documents/statements:

  • form of the Faculty for enrolment in a graduate study programme
  • an official transcript of records (completed three-year undergraduate study programme in physical therapy).

Students shall be selected through a public tender and an analysis of the above mentioned documents/statements.

Competencies acquired by the student upon completion of relevant studies

Master in Physical Therapy (mag.phystioth.) will have acquired knowledge and skills for performing professional work, which includes procedures for improvement of health, prevention and treatment of diseases, as well habilitation and rehabilitation. Physical therapists are guided by the principles of medical ethics, respecting international codes of conduct in health-care. They are active members of the professional rehabilitation team and together with a specialist practitioner, they plan, apply kinesiotherapy procedures and apply other physical procedures, bearing in mind the individual patient approach according to the holistic principle. In addition, they will have the opportunity to recognize their own needs and the possibility of further learning, monitor related sciences and apply their knowledge in the profession, monitor and participate in research in physical therapy.

Comparison of relevant study programmes with foreign accredited programmes

In accordance with the principles of the Bologna Declaration, the proposed study programme is structured and evaluated with ECTS points. Therefore, there is an opportunity to attend organised courses of any other similar graduate study programme, or to attend similar professional study programmes by transferring their ECTS points. The international mobility of students and teachers should be based on bilateral partner agreements of universities, supported through EU programmes to foster mobility in universities.

The drafting of the programme of graduate university study in physical therapy was an attempt at adapting to study programmes that are largely comparable with higher education institutions in the Republic of Croatia and the European Union, all with the aim of achieving mobility of students and teachers. The study programme in physical therapy has previously been recognised as a university programme in the USA and in most European Union countries (especially in the countries of Scandinavia, Benelux, Great Britain and Ireland).

The programme of graduate university study in physical therapy is in terms of its content and qualifications comparable to the study programme carried out at the University of Ljubljana:

Vertical mobility of students in national and international higher education areas

Upon completion of this study programme, students can continue their education in postgraduate study programmes in the field of biomedicine and health-care. Further development of graduate study programmes for health-care professions is one of major strategic goals leading to the establishment of a comprehensive study programme for vertical education.

By organizing the study programmes of the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek, vertical mobility of students within the Faculty itself is ensured. For all university study programmes currently conducted by the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek, the possibility of continuing education in the university educational vertical in the field of biomedicine and health-care is open (the mobility diagram of students of the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek).

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