Course "About breastfeeding: Evidence-based"

On April 9 and 10, 2024, a course entitled "About breastfeeding: evidence-based" was held in the "Josip Juraj Strossmayer" hall of the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek. The course was organized by the Faculty's Student Association, the FDMZ and the Croatian Association of Lactation Consultants IBCLC. The course had an international character, as lecturers from Skopje and Celje participated online.

The aim of the course was to provide participants with knowledge about breastfeeding as the best way of feeding newborns and infants.

The course was held by outstanding experts in the field of newborn and infant nutrition and breastfeeding.

All attendees were welcomed online by the Chairperson of the Commission for the Promotion of Breastfeeding of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia, Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Anita Pavičić Bošnjak, MD, Pediatric Specialist, IBCLC

Through informative lectures and workshops, the participants had the opportunity to learn more about breast milk, which is perfectly adapted to the needs of the child in terms of quality and composition and offers almost countless benefits that will accompany the child throughout its life.

Among the many topics covered, participants were able to learn more about:

  •  Taking a breastfeeding mother's medical history and examining the breasts

  •  Breastfeeding in the first hours of life

  •  Resumption of lactation in breastfeeding mothers

  •  Aids for breastfeeding

  •  Prenatal delivery of colostrum

  •  International regulation of advertising for breast-milk substitutes

  •  Where breastfeeding mothers seek help with breastfeeding problems

  •  Breastfeeding and medication

  •  (Un)usual aspects of breastfeeding

In addition to the presentations, participants learned more in two interactive workshops about

  •  Basics for a good start to breastfeeding

  •  Therapeutic breast massage

We would like to thank the course instructor and all the lecturers for the successful course, which enabled us to acquire knowledge and skills relating to breastfeeding.

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