Type of study programme:
University programme
Programme is conducted in:
Duration of programme:
6 years, i.e. 12 semesters (360 ECTS points)
Title acquired by graduation from the study programme:
By graduating from the Integrated undergraduate and graduate university study programme of Dental medicine the title doctor of dental medicine is acquired (MD dent).

Conditions of enrolling into the study programme
1. The right to enrol into the 1st year of the Integrated undergraduate and graduate university study programme of Dental medicine, according to the Law, the Statute of the University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek, the Temporary Statute of the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek, the Rulebook on studying of the University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek and to the Rulebook on conducting the state graduation exam have applicants who have graduated from a high school that lasted a minimum of four years and who have passed the state graduation exam and have fulfilled the minimal conditions as follows:
- Grade point average of all four years of high school – 25 %
- Croatian language – B level passed
- Mathematics - B level passed
Elective subjects
- Biology or physics or chemistry – 25 %
- Biology or physics or chemistry – 20 %
- Biology or physics or chemistry – 20 %
Students acquire the right to enrol based on the results achieved on the State graduation exam and assessment of specific abilities.
Assessment of specific abilities:
Test of psychomotor learning that is carried out by the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek – up to 100 points (10%)
2. Completed high school without the obligation to take the state graduation exam if the applicant is older than 25 years – choice of applicant by examination panel organised by the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek that will transparently choose the best candidate after assessing specific abilities:
Test of psychomotor learning that is carried out by the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek.
Openness of the study programme to students’ mobility
Vertical mobility of students within the Faculty is ensured through the organisation of study programmes at the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek. Throughout the entire studies on all study programmes it is possible for students to attend classes and practical classes in teaching bases of the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek that are distributed throughout Croatia and they are often centres of excellence in their fields. Thus is it possible for students to attend classes in some of the best centres of specific medical skills, which largely contributes to the students’ mobility.
Furthermore, mobility within the University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek is enabled by attending elective courses at other faculties of the University.
Possibilities for further education
After graduating from this stud programme it is possible for students to continue their education on the university education vertical in the field of biomedicine and health (diagram of students’ mobility of the FDMH).