Dear students,
as your Student Union, we aim to increase the quality of student life and improve communication among students. Our goal is also to work on achieving better cooperation between students and the Faculty in everyday life and to make the atmosphere for everyone as pleasant as possible.
Since we are all together at a new Faculty and we as a Union are newly established, we want to motivate all students of our Faculty to get involved in our work and to contribute with their ideas and creativity to the realization of common interests, to the creation of a pleasant, warm atmosphere and to the acquisition of new, useful experiences regardless of the everyday lectures.
Your Student Union
If you want to get actively involved in the work of the Student Union and for any questions, please contact us on:
Facebook page: Student Union of the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Student Union
The Student Union of the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek of Josip JurajStrossmayer University in Osijek is the representative body of students of the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek dealing with the quality of student life issues with emphasis on the quality of the study process, the student standard, the exercise of student rights, as well as other issues important for students.
The Union also deals with other issues in accordance with the ordinances and the Statute of the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek and the Statute of the Student Union of the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek.
The Student Union aims to protect the rights and promote the interests of students at the level of individual institutions of higher education (faculties, colleges, polytechnics), both on national and international levels.
Since the Student Union is established by law and acts according to democratic principles (student elections are held every two years), the Student Union is the only one who has the legitimacy to represent the whole student population. At the level of our Faculty, Union members do this by equal participation and work in the Faculty Council, but also in other Faculty committees important for the functioning of the Faculty: the Commission for Education, the Ethics Committee and many others. The Student Union appoints the Student Ombudsman as well as other representatives in the remaining bodies and working groups of the Faculty.
The Student Union of the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek acts as a part of the Student Union of Josip JurajStrossmayer University in Osijek, and members of the Student Union of the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek elect their student representatives to the Student Union of Josip JurajStrossmayer University in Osijek.
The Student Union of the Josip JurajStrossmayer University in Osijek is a student election representative body that protects the interests of all students of the Faculty, participates in decision-making in the bodies of the Faculty, and represents the students of the Faculty in the higher education system.
Representatives of the Student Union of the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek:
Petra Pantalon (predsjednica)
Marko Aleksijević
Arijan Voldin
Ingrid Kovačević
Josipa Mavretić
Mirna Lovrić
Matej Jurković
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Facebook page: Student Union of the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek
Student Ombudsman
The Student Ombudsman is one of the bodies of the Student Union of the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek, elected by the Assembly by a simple majority of votes of all members for a period of one year.
Tasks of the Ombudsman: receives complaints from students concerning their rights and discusses them with the competent authorities of the Faculty, advises students on how their rights are exercised, participates in proceedings conducted by the Ethics Committee in disciplinary proceedings against students, and in order to protect their rights performs other tasks defined by general acts of the Union and the Faculty.
The post of Ombudsman at the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek is performed by: Josipa Mavretić
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Student’s Office (Admissions Office)
Cara Hadrijana 10E, first floor in the building of the Campus
31000 Osijek
Working hours for students
Every day from 09:00 to 12:00, Tuesdays from 09:00 to 19:00.