DDS-MAP project partners met in RSU medical college – Riga for their interim project meeting

On 17th and 18th of June 2024 the DDS-MAP project partners met at RSU Redcross Medical College, Riga campus for their interim project meeting. The Latvian partner RSU also organised an event targeting to inform the local stakeholders about the project and share the early version of the project results. Co-funded under EU4Health program, the project aims to develop new training provision for healthcare and allied professionals in the EU, focused on the acquisition and mastery of new digital technologies in the delivery of care services.

On Monday morning the meeting started with overall project management updates with periodic and continuous reporting aspects and its planning. Partners presented high level insight on the Pan European survey findings which was conducted between November 2023 and January 2024 – preparation is underway to publish scientific publications to disseminate the results with the wider community of the stakeholders. Later in the afternoon, the task progress on training modules development, quality assessment, communication, dissemination, sustainability, and data management were presented. Partner also shed light on the current assessment of Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR and VR) platform to leverage the expertise within DDS-MAP consortium. Day one ended with a group brainstorming exercise on Business model canvas that will help project partners to make the project results sustainable in the long-term.

On Tuesday morning, Dr. Helen Murphy from SETU conducted an interactive session on Micro-credentials approach to accreditation. It gave an overview of current state of play of EU level micro-credentials frameworks and its adaptation in different member states. Partner universities of DDS-MAP project from Poland, Italy, Latvia, Slovenia, Croatia, Lithuania, Germany and Ireland joined the plenary by sharing their country level situation, challenges and future plans to introduce such credentials for DDS-MAP training modules. Later partners presented their short medium and long-term strategy with action plans to put forward the effort to promote micro learning, credentials and accreditation for the acquisition and recognition of digital skills.


The day ended with a dissemination event hosted in the RSU campus that informed the local healthcare mangers, nurses, students and allied professionals about the pan-european survey findings on digital skills needs and gaps. The early version of the training modules on Digital skills, were presented by Kasandra Musović from University of Maribor. Later Andreas Dalluege talked about the organisatonal assessment framework, and Vytis Radvila, Aelita Bredelyte, from Klaipeda University delivered keynote on Digital competence in healthcare cybersecurity, they also highlighted the localisation plan of the DDS-MAP modules for the co-creation phase.

1. Poslijediplomskom tečaju stalnog medicinskog usavršavanja I. kategorije „Osnove palijativne skrbi“


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1. poslijediplomski tečaj stalnog medicinskog usavršavanja I. kategorije “Sport i srce”


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