EduCanNURS - Towards Cancer Care Continuum Approach in Undergraduate Nursing Education

Health Care, Sports and Social Services

Project duration
1.11.2023 - 30.10.2026 

Operating sphere

Source of funding

Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnerships

Total funding
400 000 €

TUAS budget
149 246 €

University of Galway
Faculty of Dental Medicine and Healty, University of Osijek  

Cancer is one of the most common diseases in developed societies globally. Cancer care setting is demanding for nurses and it requires special competences in the overall cancer care continuum.

Better cancer treatment basic competencies to support encounters with the patient

Caring for people affected by cancer is not limited on specialist units, therefore all nurses need to have the basic competences related to prevention of cancer, early detection, diagnosis, treatment principles and supportive care with communication abilities to encountering people with cancer.

Improving cancer treatment education as part of the undergraduate education

The education varies among the EU states. It is evident that we need to increase the quality and access to cancer related learning in the undergraduate programs and unify the education. The teachers need to be equipped with contemporary tools to support curriculum development and implementation. While we develop undergraduate education, we also support the development of nursing and nurse’s role in the participant countries. There is a variation of the registered nurses’ role in the partner countries, and the support in the project can benefit those countries where nursing profession is evolving.

Towards Cancer Care Continuum Approach in Undergraduate Nursing Education (EduCanNURS) aims to increase the quality of the undergraduate nursing education on cancer care.

Project objective´s are to

a) develop the Cancer Care Continuum approach on undergraduate nursing curricula, 
b) create implementation model with a pilot module, 
c) test and evaluate the module and 
d) create a toolkit for nursing teachers and recommendation on further development of undergraduate nursing education on cancer.

Web page:

1. Poslijediplomskom tečaju stalnog medicinskog usavršavanja I. kategorije „Osnove palijativne skrbi“


REHABILITACIJA U KLINIČKOJ MEDICINI - kardiovaskularna rehabilitacija


1. poslijediplomski tečaj stalnog medicinskog usavršavanja I. kategorije “Sport i srce”


Izražavanje zdravstvenih djelatnika na znanstveno-stručnim skupovima i u publikacijama


Suvremeno sestrinstvo: povijest kao temelj, teorija kao izvor, obrazovanje kao put, kvaliteta kao obveza, znanost kao istina.


Nursing Education and Science (NES)

Scientific-professional Journal