On Wednesday, April 24, 2024, the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek organized an Info day of EU projects of the FDMZ, during which 4 projects of the Faculty, whose implementation is underway, were presented:
- the project "EduCanNURS - Towards Cancer Care Continuum Approach in Undergraduate Nursing Education";
- the project "The Dynamic Digital Skills for Agility and Resilience in Medical and Allied Professions (DDS-MAP)";
- project "Strengthening implementation of the justified and optimized use of ionizing radiation in medicine" i
- project "Towards safe, optimized and personalized radiology and radiotherapy procedures for pregnant patients"
- We organized this event to show other teachers who may not yet be into writing project proposals, which are really administratively demanding, that it is possible. Our projects are different in nature, considering that we train future doctors of dentistry, but also master nurses and physiotherapists. So we have two projects that deal with radiation protection, a project to develop a platform that ensures the digital competence of all stakeholders in healthcare, which involves 10 countries and 15 partner institutions and is worth 2.4 million euros, and there is also a project to develop a platform for the training of nurses in oncology care at the undergraduate level - emphasized Professor Martina Smolić, Ph.D., Vice Dean for Science and Postgraduate Studies at the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek.
Thanks to Jasenka Crnković, Deputy Mayor of the City of Osijek and professor Sonja Vila, Ph.D., Vice-Rector for Science, Technologies, Projects and International Cooperation of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, for their participation in the Info Day and their words of support for the faculty's teachers and students involved in the faculty's scientific work.
On this occasion, the lecture was given by the staff of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, M.Sc. sc. Darija Krstić on the topic "EU funds - opportunities in a new financial perspective" and Martina Šuto on the topic "Erasmus+ program at the University of Osijek - individual mobility and project cooperation".
Katarina Judnić, a student at the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek, and incoming student Gennaro Orofino from the College of Foggia in Italy, who is studying at our faculty this semester as part of Erasmus+ mobility, shared their experiences with Erasmus+ mobility.
From media:
- https://www.glas-slavonije.hr/548367/3/Projekti-vrijedni-5-milijuna-eura
- https://www.osijek.hr/predstavljeni-eu-projekti-na-info-danu-fakulteta-za-dentalnu-medicinu-i-zdravstvo-osijek/
- https://radio.hrt.hr/radio-osijek/vijesti/osjecki-fakultet-za-dentalnu-medicinu-i-zdravstvo-provodi-4-europska-projekta-11490623
- https://www.presscut.hr/videoclip/MP4/2024/2024-04/2024-04-24/VideoClip_B5A8DA50-D2C9-40C3-89E3-90A653D86BC7_5560709.mp4
- https://www.presscut.hr/audioclip/MP3/2024/2024-04/2024-04-24/AudioClip_F33A5841-5090-470A-824B-EAB1BE2426F0_5559624.mp3