On Friday, May 10, 2019, the first scientific-professional symposium of the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek was held in the large congress hall in the Osijek Vicariate, titled "Expression of Health Professionals at Scientific-Professional Conferences and Publications." The co-organizers of the symposium are the Croatian Nurses Association and the Croatian Catholic Society of Nurses and Technicians - Osijek branch.
The symposium was held under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Croatia, the Ministry of Science and Education, the Ministry of Health, the Croatian Academy of Medical Sciences, the Croatian Trade Union of Nurses and Medical Techinicians, the Croatian Chamber of Nurses, Osijek-Baranja County, the City of Osijek and University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek .
The symposium officially started at 9:30 a.m. with an address by the distinguished guests. The symposium included eight invited lectures / information workshops, a video-conference and a round table of foreign and Croatian scientists and experts in the field of biomedicine and health (nursing) and humanities - philology. Lectures / workshops were held in Croatian and English.
Lecturers from the United States, Republic of Slovenia, Republic of Serbia and Republic of Croatia were invited:
Prof.Patricia G. MORTON, Ph.D. Utah (USA)
Prof.Dragana MILUTINOVIĆ, Ph.D. Novi Sad (SRB)
Prof. Boštjan ŽVANUT Izola, Ph.D. (SLO)
Nada PRLIĆ, Ph.D. Osijek (CRO)
Assist. Prof. Borko Baraban, Ph.D. (CRO)
Assist. Prof. Štefica Mikšić, Ph.D. (CRO)
Assist. Prof. Robert Lovrić, Ph.D. (CRO)
The symposium was intended for all health professionals in the health care system and especially for nurses employed at all levels of the health care system and the education system, students of undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate health studies. There were about 200 participants in this symposium.
The main topic of the symposium was the expression of health professionals at scientific conferences and publications. Public appearance at scientific conferences and publication of papers in journals are an integral and mandatory part of professional activity and an important component of professional and scientific advancement of health professionals. Relevant literature and experiences of health professionals suggest that preparation and expression at public gatherings and in publications are a major professional challenge for health professionals, often accompanied by various uncertainties and difficulties. These facts were the main motive for giving importance and priority to the main topics of the symposium.
The content of the symposium provided a better understanding of the characteristics of good-quality preparation as well as successful oral and written expression of health professionals at scientific conferences and publications. In addition, different approaches to research in the field of health, methodological approaches in preparing health professionals for public appearances, features of intellectual / authorial rights during public appearances and publications, ethical issues and doubts during the conduct and presentation of research work, elements and criteria for evaluating the good-quality oral and written expression of health professionals at professional and scientific conferences and publications and the importance of literary language in oral and written expression of health professionals.
The content of the symposium significantly contributes to the development of the scientific and professional dimension of nursing and strengthening of international collaborations of higher education institutions of the participating countries.
Assist. Prof. Robert Lovrić, Ph.D.
President of the Organizing Committee of the Symposium
Prof. Aleksandar Včev, Ph. D.
President of the Scientific Committee of the Symposium,
Dean of the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek