The aim of this course is to teach students theoretical and organizational basics of primary prevention and health promotion. The emphasis is on the role of physical therapists in promoting physical activity in order to protect and improve the quality of life in different population groups.
Students will also be taught specific competencies:
Identification of problems and preparation of solutions for physical therapeutic activity in primary prevention, especially in: growth and development of children and adolescents; adult workers in different working environments; women during pregnancy; elderly for the purpose of preserving vital functions; people with musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, cardiovascular and respiratory problems.
Preparation of a programme for prevention based on evidence-based physical therapy in accordance with the needs of individuals or target population groups.
Capabilities and skills to work in the field of primary prevention.
Cooperation with other members of the professional team in planning, implementing and evaluating preventive measures.
Primary prevention: definition, characteristics, objectives, target groups, preventive approach, preventive measures.
Health promotion: basic characteristics, basic approach, interdisciplinary network, process of health promotion.
Healthy lifestyle: health, determinants of health, risk factors, behavioral theories and models related to health, lifestyle, meaning of healthy lifestyle for individuals and community.
Physical activity: positive aspects of exercise in all life periods at different levels, tests for recognizing preventive needs, planning, conducting and evaluating protocols of physical activity for different populations, conditions for appropriate performance of physical activity.
Key fields for physical therapy in primary prevention: role of physical therapy in primary prevention, promotion of regular exercise at all ages, prevention of chronic non-infectious diseases, ergonomics at work places, programmes and projects in Croatia and the European Union involving physical therapists.
Obavezna literatura:
- Thompson CR. Prevention Practice: A Physical Therapist's Guide to Health, Fitness, and Wellness. Thorofare, New Jersey, SAD: Slack; 2007.
- Prezentacije i bilješke s predavanja
Dopunska literatura:
- Edelman C, Mandie CL, ur. Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span. 6. izd. St. Louis, Missouri, SAD: Mosby Elsevier; 2006.
- Cox CC, ur. ACSM's Worksite Health Promotion Manual. A Guide to Building and Sustaining Healthy Worksite. Champaign, Illinois, SAD: Human Kinetics; 2003.
- Dugdill L, Crone D, Murphy R, ur. Physical Activity and Health Promotion: Evidence-Based Approaches to Practice. New York, SAD: Wiley-Blackwell; 2009.
- Rimmer JH. Health Promotion for People with Disabilities: The Emerging Paradigm Shift from Disability Prevention to Prevention of Secondary Conditions. Phys Ther. 1999;79(5): 495-502.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Determine the importance of prevention, especially primary prevention and health promotion
- Identify and evaluate basic physiotherapy concepts and different approaches to primary health care prevention
- Assess and propose the role of basic physiotherapeutic concepts for maintaining, stimulating and promoting health
- Identify concepts and evaluate physiotherapeutic prevention at all ages, in different population groups
- Critically evaluate, analyze relevant professional and health literature on primary prevention in physiotherapy
- Integrate your skills and be actively involved in the work of teamwork in physiotherapy prevention