Acquisition of basic knowledge in the field of quality management from the aspect of modern approaches to quality and their application in real systems

History of quality

Development and definition of quality, quality management evolution; costs of quality

Standardisation of quality

Methods and tools for quality management, impact of quality on business results

Obavezna literatura:

  1. Lazibat T. Upravljanje kvalitetom. Zagreb: Znanstvena knjiga d.o.o.; 2009.

Dopunska literatura:

  1. Lazibat T. Poznavanje robe i upravljanje kvalitetom. Zagreb: Sinergija-nakladništvo d.o.o.; 2005.

  2. Lazibat T. Sustavi upravljanja kvalitetom u visokom obrazovanju. Zagreb: Sinergija nakladništvo d.o.o.; 2005.

Category I Continuing Medical Education Course: REHABILITATION IN CLINICAL MEDICINE - Cardiovascular Rehabilitation


1st postgraduate course of continuous medical training of the 1st category “Sport and heart”


Expression of Healthcare Professionals at Scientific Professional Meetings and Publications


Contemporary Nursing: History as a Foundation, Theory as a Source, Education as a Path, Quality as an Obligation, Science as a Truth


Nursing Education and Science (NES)

Scientific-professional Journal