The objectives of the course are to explain to the students the specificity of the treatment of physiotherapeutic rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries and diseases; show the students the possibilities of evidence-based physical therapy in creating an effective algorithm for physical therapy of musculoskeletal injuries and diseases and the algorithm of preventive physical therapy of muscle injuries and diseases present in the workplace and during daily activities; expand key areas of scientific theory in the study of connective tissue, bones, muscles, peripheral nerves, and pain; explain to the students the key diagnostic procedures and consequences of operative and pharmacological treatments; show how to apply new research results; teach students to document the results of physical therapy in the rehabilitation of patients with injuries and diseases of the
musculoskeletal system.
Medical history and physical examination of the patient. Instrumental measurements of muscle strength and endurance.
Manual and functional tests, differential diagnostics and clinical decision-making.
Connective tissue injuries and the importance of the healing process during treatment of injured connective tissue. Muscle physiology and treatment of muscle injuries.
Physical therapy after orthopaedic surgery. Pain syndrome and holistic approach to pain treatment. Sensor-motor control and exercises.
Methods and techniques of physical therapy (manual therapy, kinesiotherapy, mechanical and thermal therapy, electrotherapy, etc.).
Ergonomics and prevention of musculoskeletal injuries and diseases.
Psychological and social aspects of treatment of musculoskeletal injuries and diseases. Surgical and pharmacological treatment of musculoskeletal injuries and diseases.
Critical signs and symptoms.
Introduction to invasive and radiological diagnostics and interpretations (MRI, ultrasound, RTG, CT, blood analysis).
Introduction to diagnostic electromiography and evaluation of neural conduction.
Obavezna literatura:
Kibler WB, Herring SA, Press JM, Lee PA. Functional Rehabilitation of Sports and Musculoskeletal Injuries. New York, SAD: Aspen Publishers, Inc.; 1998.
Prezentacije i bilješke s predavanja
Dopunska literatura:
Eustace S, Johnston C, O'Byrne JM, O'Neil P. Sports Injuries: Examination, Imaging and Management. London, UK: Elsevier/Churchill Livingstone; 2007.
Donatelli R, Wooden Ml. Orthopedic Physical Therapy. London, UK: Elsevier/Churchill Livingstone; 2009.
Seidenspinner D. Training in der Physiotherapie. Heidelberg, Njemačka: Springer Medizin Verlag; 2005.
Lephart SM, Fu FH. Proprioception and Neuromuscular Control in Joint Stability. Champaign, Illinois, SAD: Human Kinetics; 2000.
Van Wingerden BAM. Connective Tissue in Rehabilitation. Vaduz, Liechtenstein: Scipro Verlag; 1995.
Goodman CC, Snyder TEK. Differential Diagnosis for Physical Therapists: Screening for Referral. 4. izd. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, SAD: Saunders/Elsevier; 2007.
- Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Explain the etiology, pathophysiology and biomechanics of the most common musculoskeletal injuries and diseases
- Analyze international evidence-based guidelines in the field of physiotherapy for musculoskeletal injuries and diseases
- Define diagnostic procedures in the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries and disease
- Distinguish the effects of surgical and pharmacological treatment of musculoskeletal injuries and diseases
- Critically interpret relevant scientific and professional literature in the field of prevention and treatment of musculoskeletal injuries and diseases