Acquiring knowledge necessary for monitoring and learning course content of specific professional disciplines and clinical sciences.
Basics of biomechanics and mechanics: laws of classical mechanics, geometric features of the human body,rectilinear and curvilinear motion,rigid body systems,collision and frictional force.Biomechanical features of the musculoskeletal system,determiningparameters of body segments.Estimation of kinematicanalysisof movement. Kinematic analysis and its measures: measuring reaction force, vector diagram. Kinesiology ofelectromyography,neuromuscularsystem:biomechanical features of muscles,functional electrical stimulation, prosthesis and anthropomorphic robotics. Biomechanical diagnostics of movement. Body weight, weight of body segments and force of gravity, movements and analysis via joints, equilibrium, using base of support and different surfaces for analysis of body movement. Establishing parameters of inertia, stereo photogrammetry registration of movement, measuring force with a platform for measuring components of force, procedures of gathering EMG signals in kinesiological electromyography.
Obavezna literatura:
- Nikolić V, Hudec M. Principi biomehanike. Zagreb: Naklada Ljevak; 2011. (izabrana poglavlja)
- Mejovšek M. Biomehanika športa. U: Milanović D, urednik. Priručnik za športske trenere. Zagreb: Fakultet za fizičku kulturu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu; 1997.
Dopunska literatura:
1. Nordin M, Frankel VH. Basic Biomechanics of the Musculoskeletal System. Philadephia, SAD; Lea & Febiger; 1989.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Recognize and name the fundamental laws of biomechanics
- Standardize body segment parameters
- Analyze kinematic and kinetic quantities of motion
- Define the need to apply emg diagnostics
- Apply biomechanical analysis of the movement of an individual locomotor segment of the body