Acquiring knowledge on aging and old age, knowledge on preventing and reducing unfavourable effects of aging as well as knowledge on improvement possibilities of life quality in old age.
Aging of the population and of individuals – demographic changes, criteria of aging. Theories of aging – biological,social,psychological.Biological,psychologicalandsocial aging.Aging and society –social status, attitudes and prejudice. Changes in capabilities while getting older – senses, motor control, cognitive skills, physical health, psychological health, functional ability. Social adjustment and personality in aging –family,retirement,living situation.Health care patterns and aging. Communication with older people.
Specific problems of older people – depression, dementia, helplessness. Models of care for older people. Interdisciplinary approach in care for older people.
Obavezna literatura:
- Despot Lučanin J. Iskustvo starenja. Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap; 2003.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Describe and understand the factors that affect the aging process and changes in the aging process
- Describe and discuss methods and procedures for assessing and monitoring changes in the aging and aging process
- Describe and discuss special problems of the elderly
- Recognize models of care for the elderly, actively participate in teamwork