Gaining knowledge necessary for participating in team work as well as professional and responsible conduction of physical therapy.
Development and significance of ethical thoughts. International codes of ethics of health care workers. The term of morale, morality and moral norms. Ethical problems in relationships between health care workers and patients. Respecting a human’s life and death. Responsibility for quality and one’s own professional development. Ethical dilemmas and ethical decision making within health care teams.
Obavezna literatura:
1. Švajger, A.: Medicinska etika: priručno štivo. Zagreb: Medicinski fakultet sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1995.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Acquire knowledge; development and importance of ethical thought,
2. Describe and distinguish international codes of ethics of health professionals with special emphasis on codes of physiotherapy ethics and deontology,
3. Discuss ethical issues in the relationship between health professionals and patients,
4. Understand the need for responsible professional action