Acquirement of knowledge necessary for recognition of patients’ state influence on health and recognition of mental reactions during disease, as well as providing psychological help and support to patient and his family.
Definition of health psychology, possibilities of usage of psychological knowledge and skills in prevention of health, diagnosis, disease curing and rehabilitation, role of health psychology in increase of effectiveness of health practice and savings in health system. Modern, whole bio sociological approaches in health care, types of health behaviour and health advisory, effect of mental states on disease development, psychological stress and diseases, basic terms in psychoneuroimmunology, method for prevention of stress effect on health, mental reactions on physical injuries, problems of mental adjustment on hospital stay, method of fear and anxiety reduction, mental reactions on severe injuries, mental problems of people with disability and methods for adjustment on disability, mental mechanisms of pain, mental factors that affect the pain, mental methods of pain therapy, mental problems of dying patients.
Obavezna literatura:
1. Havelka, M.: Zdravstvena psihologija. Jastrebarsko: Naklada "Slap", 1998.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Critically evaluate the contemporary holistic biosociopsychosocial approach to health and disease,
- Explain the impact of psychosocial factors on health and illness,
- Recognize the mental reactions of patients to physical illness,
- Plan psychological preparation of patients for medical procedures,
- Apply the acquired psychological knowledge and skills in maintaining health, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients.