Acquiring knowledge necessary for monitoring and learning course content of specific professional disciplines and clinical sciences.
Introduction into kinesiological analysis of movement of the human body: principles of kinematics: osteokinematics, arthrokinematics; principles of kinetics: forces, levers, torque.
Clinical aspects of physiology and neurophysiology: clinical implementation of motor control of normal movement: conditions for achieving normal muscle contractions, normal tone of connective tissue and joints function through afferent and efferent neural fibres.
Development of posture and postural adaptation of the human body. Normal movement - normal function and posturaladaptation and differentiating pathological movement -pathological function and posturaladaptation.
Kinesiological analysis of the spine: anatomical, physiological and biomechanical characteristics of the spine; muscle function, connective tissue and joints of the torso for postural development and maintaining posture; function of vertebral dynamic segment in normal postural adaptation; intrinsic and extrinsic stability of the spine in analysis of normal function.
Kinesiological analysis of the head, neck and torso during breathing function; understanding breathing function, muscles and joints used while breathing, pressure in vital body cavities during spontaneous and forced breathing.
Kinesiological analysis of the head and neck during the chewing, swallowing and miming process: anatomical, physiological and biomechanical characteristics of temporomandibular joint, biomechanical features of chewing and swallowing; characteristics of miming muscles.
Kinesiological analysis of the shoulder girdle: anatomical, physiological and biomechanical characteristics of bones, joints, muscles and connective tissue throughout the postural development and maintaining normal posture, biomechanical mechanism during normal function of shoulder girdle.
Kinesiological analysis of the elbow, forearm and hand: anatomical, physiological and biomechanical characteristics of bones, joints, muscles and connective tissue of the elbow and hand during postural development and maintaining normal posture. Role ofbiomechanical mechanism while analysing function of the elbow and hand as well as differentiating fineand gross motor skills of the hand.
Kinesiological analysis of the pelvic floor, pelvis and hip joints: anatomical, physiological and biomechanical characteristics of bones, joints, muscles and connective tissue of the pelvis and hip during postural development and maintaining normal posture; biomechanical features of the function of the pelvis and hip joint and the most common reasons for variation from the normal function.
Kinesiological analysis of the knee: anatomical, physiological and biomechanical characteristics of bones, joints, muscles and connective tissue throughout postural development and maintaining normal posture; features of the function of the knee and the most common reasons for variations from the normal function.
Kinesiological analysis of the feet: anatomical, physiological and biomechanical characteristics of bones, joints, muscles and connective tissue throughout postural development and maintaining normal posture; features of the function of the feet and the most common reasons for variations from the normal function.
Characteristics of the most common postural variations. Applicability of acquired knowledge in clinical practice for each body segment and the body as a whole.
Analysis of the standing and sitting position of the body;transfer analysis;walking analysis:muscle activity during walking cycle,energy demand during walking phases,types of walking,posturaladaptation of individual body segments while walking, clinical implementation of kinesiological walking analysis. Analysis of functions between body segments with the help of isokinetic exercises.
Obavezna literatura:
- Filipović V, Klaić I, Jakuš L, Vrcić Lj. Osnove kliničke kineziologije. (nastavna skripta) Zagreb: Visoka zdravstvena škola; 1999.
Dopunska literatura:
- Nordin M, Frankel VH. Basic Biomechanics of the Musculoskeletal System. London: Lea & Fabinger; 1989.
- Perry JF, Rohe DA, Garcia AO. The Kinesiology Workbook. 2. izd. Philadelphia, SAD: F. A. Davis Company; 1996.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Recognize normal human movement and normal motor function
- Define kinesiological and biomechanical laws of normal functioning of the body by segments and as a whole body
- Distinguish the role of bone segments, joints, muscles and connective tissue in the laws of normal function
- Define and determine the status of posture and distinguish normal from pathological postural status
- Apply kinesiological terminology in the presentation of functional analysis of segments of the human body as well as the body as a whole