With the acquirement of the course content a student will be capable to follow and understand most professional and scientific papers in the field of physical therapy.
Methodology: Research approach; review of research process: types of research draft; source and types of data, types of measuring scales; characteristics of measuring procedure; systematic perception; marking lists and assumption scales; interview; questionnaires and tests; sources of professional literature; independent research conducting; shaping of professional and scientific reports. Statistics; Basin probability terms; table and graphic results displaying; grouping of results; measures of central tendency and variability measures; arithmetic mean, central value, dominant value, range, standard deviation and variability coefficient; normal distribution and other distribution types; standard results (z-value, centiles and deciles); Error of arithmetic mean; Statistic meaning of difference among various data groups (t-test and hi2 test for various types). Connection between data – correlation; Data import and usage of mentioned statistical procedures in a programme for statistical data processing.
Obavezna literatura:
- Mejovšek M. Uvod u metode znanstvenog istraživanja. Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap; 2003. str. 17-114.
- Petz B. Statistika za praksu. Zagreb: Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova Republike Hrvatske, Sektor za kadrovske, pravne i obrazovne poslove; 1994.Dopunska literatura:
Dopunska literatura:
- Marušić M, Petrovečki M, Petrak J, Marušić A. Uvod u znanstveni rad u medicini. Zagreb: Medicinska naklada; 2000.
- Petz B. Osnovne statističke metode za nematematičare. Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap; 1997.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Explain the importance of scientific research in the field of physiotherapy
- Design a hypothesis of scientific research work
- Describe ways of collecting data in scientific research in medicine and physiotherapy
- Explain the importance of applying different statistical methods in research and the way of interpreting statistical significance
- Analyse and interpret the collected research data
- Choose the most appropriate way of presenting data according to their characteristics
- Use bibliographic databases, and scientific journals and books in electronic form
- Describe the structure of a scientific article
- Critically analyze articles in the field of physiotherapy