Acquirement of knowledge necessary for planning and conduction of physiotherapeutic processes in the field of gynaecology and maternity.
Patients’ problems after gynaecological surgeries, pain in pelvis, anatomical and physiological changes of urological-genital system and post-menopause problems. Need for psychotherapy in preconception period, during pregnancy, birth and in post-birth period. Collection of first status and application of measuring procedures and tests in the field of gynaecology and maternity, assessment of patients according to various cases, creation of psychotherapeutic programme. Psychotherapy in maternity (antenatal, natal, postnatal), basics of physical therapy and rehabilitation of gynaecological patients.
Obavezna literatura:
- Klaić, I.: Specijalne teme u fizioterapiji - nastavni tekstovi, Visoka zdravstvena škola, Zagreb, 2001.
- Včev A, Burton N. Objektivno strukturirano kliničko ispitivanje – OSKI. 1. hrv. izd. Osijek: Medicinski fakultet Osijek; 2015.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Recognize the need for physiotherapy procedures in gynecological patients
- Present the issue of physiotherapy in gynecology and obstetrics and present the type of physiotherapy to be applied
- Plan and apply procedures of physiotherapy assessment, intervention and evaluation within the work with gynecological patients, pregnant women, mothers and children
- Plan and implement physiotherapy assessment, intervention and evaluation procedures in working with menopausal and senile people
- Describe and interpret the basic theoretical background, principles and contents of different concepts of physiotherapy in these groups of users
- Describe the roles and powers of physiotherapists within health teams dealing with gynecological patients, pregnant women, mothers and children
- Demonstrate basic knowledge and skills of cooperation within the team