Acquiring knowledge necessary for monitoring and learning course content of specific professional disciplines and clinical discipline.
Orthopaedics. History of orthopaedics, basic diagnostics in orthopaedics, orthopaedic procedures (nonsurgical and surgical). General disorders of the skeletal and joints system, skeletal dysplasia, Multiple congenital contractures, Metabolic and hormonal diseases (osteoporosis, rickets and osteomalation, gout). Juvenile osteochondrosis.Inflammatory diseasesof the skeletal and joints system (osteomyelitis,arthritis,rheumatoidarthritis). Degenerative disease of joints. Arthropathy. Normal and abnormal bone healing. Reflex sympathetic dystrophy.Consequences ofparalysis.Tumours of the skeletal and joints system.Additional part:inborn and acquired diseases according to body segments (neck, spine and pelvis, thorax, shoulder and upper arm, elbow and forearm, wrist and hand, hip and thigh bone, knee and lower leg, ankle and feet). Orthopaedic aids.
Surgery and traumatology. Fundamental principles of work in surgery: asepsis, antisepsis, sterilisation, types of surgeries and types according to terminology and regions, body’s response to injury - surgery, wound and healing,foundations and types of anaesthesia,reanimation,blood transfusionsand blood sample,respiratory complications during surgery, chronic venous insufficiency, thrombosis and embolism, shock syndrome, burns; neurosurgery: craniocerebral trauma, types of neurosurgical procedures; thoracic and cardiovascular surgery: thorax injuries, surgical disease of the thorax, types of surgeries on thorax; abdominal surgery and urology: injuries of the abdominal organs and kidneys, types of incisions on abdominal wall,types of the most common abdominalsurgeries;injuries of the skeletal and joints system (strain,dislocation,fractures),types of immobilisation,fractures of the shoulder andupper arm,fractures of the forearm and hand, fractures of the pelvis and hip, fractures of the thigh bone, lower leg and foot, spine injuries.
Prosthetics and orthotics. Historical development of aids, types and terminology, epidemiology and principles of team work and interdisciplinarywork in the field of orthopaedic aids,principles ofprescription and usage of aids, basic principles and technology of manufacturing prosthetics, orthoses and other aids. Prosthetics and orthotics in integral rehabilitation, adaptation in living circumstances and in environment of individuals with disabilities.
Obavezna literatura:
1. Pećina, M. i sur.: Ortopedija. Zagreb: Medicinska biblioteka, 2004.
2. Prpić, I. i sur.: Kirurgija za medicinare, Školska knjiga 1995.
Dopunska literatura:
- Jelić M. Protetika. Fizioterapija. 1998;1(2):15-35.
- Pećina M, Heimer S. Sportska medicina. Zagreb: Naprijed; 1995. (izabrana poglavlja)
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Apply the basics of diagnostics in orthopedics
- Describe the pathophysiological processes and mechanisms of general disorders of the musculoskeletal system, inflammatory diseases, degenerative joint diseases and tumor diseases
- Recognize the clinical picture of general disorders, inflammatory diseases, degenerative and tumor diseases of the musculoskeletal system
- Describe the basic principles of work in surgery and the complications of surgical operations
- Determine injuries of the musculoskeletal system and treatment procedures
- Recommend methods of prevention, recovery and treatment of acute and chronic conditions of injuries in sports
- Demonstrate the application of prostheses for the upper and lower extremities