Acquirement of additional knowledge necessary for participation in teamwork and professional and responsible physical therapy conducting.
Definition of sport for people with disabilities, law and principles of sport for people with disabilities, functional classification, adjustment of sport for people with disabilities, sports for people with disabilities: basketball in wheelchair, sitting volleyball, archery, objective ball, swimming, bowling for blind people, tennis in wheelchair, adaptive kinesiological activities, functional classification tests, table tennis in wheelchair.
Obavezna literatura:
1. Ciliga, D.: Sport osoba sa invaliditetom, nastavni tekstovi, Visoka zdravstvena škola, Zagreb, 1998..
Dopunska literatura:
1. Karen, P., DePauw, S., Gavron, J..Disability and sport. Human kinetics, Champaign, IL
2. Doll-Tepper, G., Kroner, M., W. Sonnenschein. New horizons in sport for athletes with a disability. Meyer and Meyer Sport, Cologne, Germany, 1999.
3. Miller, P. Fitness programming and physical disability. Human kinetics, Champaign, IL
4. Auxter, D., Pyfer, J., C. Huettig. Principles and methods of adapted physical education and recreation. McGraw-Hill Companies, New York, 2001.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Arguably choose appropriate sports activities for people with a certain degree of disability
- Create adapted sports activities for people with disabilities based on kinesiological laws
- Create and valorize functional tests designed for people with disabilities