Acquiring knowledge necessary for planning and conducting the physical therapy process in the field of orthopaedics, surgery and traumatology, sports injuries and rheumatology.
Physical therapy in orthopaedics, specific aspects of physical therapy assessment: special tests and measuring instruments for determining disorder of the musculoskeletal system.
Specific aspects of the physical therapy process for individuals with inborn and acquired diseases of vertebral joints,thorax,shoulder girdle,forearmand hand,hip joint,dysfunction of sacro-iliac joints and joints of the knee and feet.
Specific aspects of the physical therapy process for individuals with inborn and acquired skeletal diseases such as:disorders of the vitaminmetabolism,juvenileosteochondrosis,inflammation of bones, fractures, bone tumours and for individuals with inborn and acquired diseases of connective tissue and muscles. The physical therapy process for internal fixation and complications because of internal fixation. Specific aspects and differences in planning the physical therapy process after surgical and nonsurgical treatment of orthopaedic diseases. The fundamental principles of applying different physical therapy concepts in orthopaedics.
Using orthoses and prosthesis for inborn and acquired orthopaedic diseases and using electronic aids and aids for activities of patient’s daily living. Role of physiotherapist in the screeningprocess for systematic and other orthopaedic diseases as well as importance and role of physiotherapist in educating patient.
Physical therapy intraumatology;Basic principles of applying physical therapy procedures in postsurgical treatment. Specific aspects of the physical therapy process for individuals who have experienced trauma ofbones or jointssuch as fracture of the forearm and hand, upper arm and shoulder, spine, pelvis and hip, thigh bone, lower leg and foot. Specific aspects of the physical therapy process for sprains and dislocations of joints and types of immobilisation. Specific aspects of the physical therapy process for joint instability: shoulder joint, knee joint and ankle joint; problems and consequences of joint instability. Fundamental principles of applying different physical therapy concepts in traumatology. Specific aspects of the physical therapy process for individuals with muscle strain and ligaments strain. Types of amputation and complications on the residual limb,biomechanicsof walking witha prosthesis,upper and lower limb prosthetics:choosing type ofprosthesis, preparation for prosthetic supply and prosthetic supply.
Physical therapy in sports medicine;Physical therapy inrheumatology;Specific aspects of the physiological process for individuals with ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, psoriatic arthritis, reactive and infective arthritis, with bursitis, tendinitis; and for individuals suffering from scleroderma and fibromyalgia, for individuals with metabolic rheumatic diseases: gout, osteoporosis. Role of physiotherapist in educating rheumatic patients. Characteristics of biomechanical disorders as well as using orthoses and other adaptive and protective aids to master activities of daily living for rheumatic patients.
Obavezna literatura:
- Filipović V. Fizioterapija kod poremećaja mišićno koštanog sustava – nastavni tekstovi. Zagreb: Visoka zdravstvena škola; 1998.
- Pećina M, i sur. Sportska medicina. Zagreb: Medicinska naklada; 2003.
Dopunska literatura:
- Filipović V, Klaić I. Važnost propriocepcije za funkciju ramena. U: Cipčić Ž, Jurinić A, urednici. Zbornik radova II. simpozija Ortopedsko traumatološko športskog društva HZF-a. Zagreb: Hrvatski zbor fizioterapeuta; 2001. str. 91-102.
- Jakuš L. Fizioterapija u reumatologiji – nastavni tekstovi. Zagreb: Visoka zdravstvena škola; 1999.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Distinguish abnormal movements of normal human function from pathological patterns of movement
- Categorize different forms of injuries according to the basic mechanisms of their occurrence
- Assess associated injuries and distinguish acute from chronic conditions
- Propose a specific diagnostic status with appropriate physiotherapy skills and concepts
- Critically analyze and discuss the results of the implemented skills
- Create a specific physiotherapy status for the patient
- Conduct individual physiotherapy processes in the field of orthopedics, trauma, sports and rheumatology
- Actively participate in team work