Acquiring knowledge necessary to use information technology in everyday health practices and to continuously gain knowledge in different professional fields.
Determining fundamental terms of IT and its significance for knowledge development and enhancement of professional practice. Technical baseline of information systems – basic parts and their function. Program support necessary for computer systems to work– program support to system, program languages and application program support. Basic ways of using a computer with special emphasis on text editing, data bases, support in research and education. Using a computer for local and global systems and types of tasks that can be done by computer. Developing models and simulations on computer that assists the decision making process. Implementing information technology in enhancing the health care system with special emphasis on information technology used in the health care system.
Obavezna literatura:
- Deželić, Đ.: Zdravstvena informatika. Zagreb: Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1991.
- Hercigonja Szekeresz, M. i sur.: Informatika - nastavni tekstovi. Zagreb: Visoka zdravstvena škola, 2004.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Explain the basic concepts of informatics and health information systems
- Apply computer techniques in physiotherapy interventions
- Select relevant databases that are applicable in the process of physiotherapy and for learning and research
- Apply information technology in all communication processes in health care institutions
- Apply informatics in the process of improving the documentation of physiotherapy interventions and the protection of health and personal data of patients