Gaining knowledge necessary for participating in team work as well as professional and responsible conduction of physical therapy.
Physical quantity and units of measurement; mechanics of rigid body; force, moment of force (torque), levers in therapy, elastic deformation, elastic features of bones, blood vessels and muscles; mechanics of fluids and gases; hydrostatics, ideal gas law, phenomena associated with tension, viscous features, diffusion; acoustics and ultrasound; thermodynamics of biologic system; absorption of electromagnetic laws; basics of electricity and magnetism, static electricity; electric current; electromagnetism; alternate current; electrochemical phenomena; physiological effect of electric current; basic electronic elements and circuits;generators of different impulses;basic devices in electrotherapy;methods of electrotherapy;effects of electric current and protection.
Obavezna literatura:
- Jakobović Z. Fizika i elektronika – odabrana poglavlja za studije Visoke zdravstvene škole. Zagreb: Visoka zdravstvena škola; 1997.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Define basics physical principles and apply it to human body and methods for medical diagnostics and therapy used in physiotherapy
- Describe the ways of transferring energy and matter within the organism and in its interaction with the environment
- Recognize and define the role of forces and levers, describe and discuss the physical properties of solids, liquids and gases, describe and discuss the physical properties of bones, muscles, blood vessels
- Recognize and explain electrochemical phenomena and physiological effects of electricity,
- Identify, describe and compare electrotherapy methods and the equipment and devices used for that.
- Recognize and describe the basic radiological methods applicable in physiotherapy
- Apply the acquired knowledge in the field of physics in practice and independently continue to expand their knowledge in this field
- Operate simpler measuring instruments and interpret measurement results.