Acquirement of additional knowledge necessary for participation in teamwork and professional and responsible physical therapy conducting.
Historical development of work therapy in Croatia and world. Croatian, European and world organisations of work therapy (HURT, ENOTHE, COTEC,WFOT).
The role, work domain and function of work therapy in transdisciplinary professional context. Philosophy of work therapy. Models and approaches in work therapy; terminology in work therapy; term of occupation and activities and their importance in work therapy. Case for protection of its own health within therapeutic process. Introduction to problem approach to task solving. Professional behaviour.
Obavezna literatura:
- Šimunović D. Odabrana poglavlja iz radne terapije. Zagreb: Visoka zdravstvena škola; 1998.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Argue the importance of daily occupations for the health and quality of life of oneself, patient / client, group or community;
- Identify areas in which the occupational therapist could ensure a contribution to the health and quality of life of the individual;
- Distinguish the tasks and activities of the occupational therapist during the assessment and intervention at different stages of life;
- Identify and distinguish the collaborative roles of occupational therapists and physiotherapists and identify the most commonly used occupational therapy models that guide practice;
- Identify the appropriate implementation of preventive and health approaches used in occupational therapy practice