Acquirement of basic knowledge about legal regulations of health care system in the Republic of Croatia.
Organisation of legal system in the Republic of Croatia. Presentation and implementation of the Health Insurance Act and other legal acts based on the Health Insurance Act. Display and usage of Law on patients’ protection, and analysis of principals of patients’ rights promotion. Display and usage of Law on drugs and medical products and sub-legal acts based on the Law on drugs and medical products. Display and usage of Law on health protection and sub-legal acts based on the Law on health protection.
Obavezna literatura:
- Zakon o zdravstvenom osiguranju. NN 80/13, 137/13, 98/19.
- Zakon o zdravstvenoj zaštiti. Narodne novine, br. 121/03.
- Zakon o lijekovima i medicinskim proizvodima. NN 76/13, 90/14, 100/18., NN 76/13
- Zakon o zaštiti prava pacijenata. Narodne novine, br. 169/04 i 37/08.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Assess the organization of the health care system in the Republic of Croatia
- Critically judge the application of the law
- Recommend the exercise of certain rights from compulsory health insurance
- Assess the need for legal regulation of physiotherapy activities
- Support the promotion of patients' rights