Introducing students to the basic principles of poster preparation or oral presentation during public presentation of their results/conclusions.   

Oral presentation – visual aids, technical aids. Time aspects. Structure of oral presentation. Title. Academic authorship. Introduction. Objective and purpose of the paper. Materials and methods. Results. Conclusion. Practising the pronunciation, style, non-verbal communication with the auditorium, error analysis. Preparation for discussion and questions. Structure of the poster. Title. Academic authorship. Introduction. Objective and purpose of the paper. Materials and methods. Results. Conclusion. Attachments. The size, shape, design and appearance of posters. Preparation for a short oral presentation, discussion and questions regarding the poster.

Obavezna literatura:

  1. Marušić M, ur. Uvod u znanstveni rad u medicini. 6. izd. Zagreb: Medicinska naklada; 2019.

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Self-assess the preparation of the poster/oral presentation  for the scientific meeting
  2. Create the appropriately structured poster for the presentation at the scientific meeting
  3. Choose the guidelines for the preparation of oral presentation at the scientific meeting
  4. Evaluate oral presentation of the research results at the scientific meeting

Category I Continuing Medical Education Course: REHABILITATION IN CLINICAL MEDICINE - Cardiovascular Rehabilitation


1st postgraduate course of continuous medical training of the 1st category “Sport and heart”


Expression of Healthcare Professionals at Scientific Professional Meetings and Publications


Contemporary Nursing: History as a Foundation, Theory as a Source, Education as a Path, Quality as an Obligation, Science as a Truth


Nursing Education and Science (NES)

Scientific-professional Journal