Introduce students to the scientific basics of community rehabilitation, enable students to organize practical classes, to understand the necessity of individual application of rehabilitation methodology.

Principles of rehabilitation. Rehabilitation in different communities, opportunities in Croatia. Teamwork: types, advantages and disadvantages. Organizational team game: most common traps in collaboration between groups. The role of individual experts – members of the community rehabilitation team. Management in the community. Continuity of rehabilitation, place of community rehabilitation in the team. Community rehabilitation and improvement of patient quality of life. Rehabilitation can be divided into family, social and professional rehabilitation. The main objective is to train the patient for the healthiest possible life in the family, social, and work environment. Its use should start from the very beginning of treatment. This significantly mitigates or eliminates patients' alleviation and the occurrence of secondary consequences of disability and handicap. The choice of objectives, programmes, rehabilitation techniques depends on the type and stage of the disease, i.e. on the type of symptoms, behaviour disorders and the degree of damage caused by the disease. 

Obavezna literatura:

  1. Matrica smjernica rehabilitacije u zajednici (Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija) World Health Organization (WHO). 
  2. Pavić J. Zdravstvena njega osoba s invaliditetom. Zagreb: Zdravstveno veleučilište; 2014.
  3. Leutar Z, Ogresta J, Milić Babić M. Obitelji osoba s invaliditetom i mreže podrške. Zagreb: Pravni fakultet; 2008.
  4. Nastavni materijali; ppt prezentacije


Dopunska literatura:

  1. Deklaracija o ljudskim pravima, NN 12/2009.
    ( )
  2. Konvencija UN-a o pravima osoba s invaliditetom, NN 6/2007.
    ( )
  3. European Disability Strategy 2010-2020.
  4. Nacionalna strategija izjednačavanja mogućnosti za osobe s invaliditetom od 2017. do 2020. godine, NN 42/2017
  5. Bratković D. Modeli skrbi u svjetlu ljudskih prava osoba s intelektualnim teškoćama. U: Škrabalo M, Papa J, Miošić-Lisjak N. Mobilizacija i razvoj zajednica: akcijsko istraživanje u Hrvatskoj. Zagreb: MAP savjetovanja d.o.o.; 2006. str. 198-218.
  6. Leutar Z, Milić Babić M. Pravo na rad i osobe s invaliditetom u Hrvatskoj. Sociologija i prostor. 2008;46, 180(2):161–186.
  7. Bratković D, Mihanović V, Dulčić A. Društveni položaj žena s invaliditetom. Hrvatska revija za rehabilitacijska istraživanja. 2013;49(1):164-180.
  8. Mihanović V. Invaliditet u kontekstu socijalnog modela. Hrvatska revija za rehabilitacijska istraživanja. 2011;47(1):72-86.

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Analyse the availability and quality of community rehabilitation, features, and principles of community rehabilitation theory.
  2. Explain the historical development by stating the most important guidelines through the history of the development of rehabilitation in the community.
  3. Assess teamwork and the role of individual experts in working with the client/patient.
  4. Explain the role of civil society and associations in community rehabilitation.
  5. Evaluate community rehabilitation programs following the principles of nursing care, standards, and legal regulations.

Category I Continuing Medical Education Course: REHABILITATION IN CLINICAL MEDICINE - Cardiovascular Rehabilitation


1st postgraduate course of continuous medical training of the 1st category “Sport and heart”


Expression of Healthcare Professionals at Scientific Professional Meetings and Publications


Contemporary Nursing: History as a Foundation, Theory as a Source, Education as a Path, Quality as an Obligation, Science as a Truth


Nursing Education and Science (NES)

Scientific-professional Journal