Acquisition of basic knowledge on bioethical issues, their perception in the light of correct moral principles and training for critical judgement of modern bioethical attitudes. Systematic introduction into bioethical discipline with a special moral view of the main bioethical dilemmas associated with moral/anthropological/biological/legal status of values of human life from conception to death on the basis of an interdisciplinary approach.

GENERAL BIOETHICS – Bioethics as a scientific discipline, definition, epistemological status, object of bioethics – Areas of bioethical studies – Methods of bioethics research – Integrative bioethics – multi disciplinarity and pluri perspectivity – Historical development of bioethics – Development of bio-rights and basic bioethical documents – Bioethical committees and bioethical institutions in the Council of Europe – Ethics in bioethics – Dignity of the human being – Conflict of clinical quality and the sanctity of life – Technicality of biomedical science = biotechnology – Legal possibility of medical appeals / conscientious objector


CLINICAL BIOETHICS – Human sexuality – Contemporary challenges of marital fertility and family planning – Contraception, interception, contragestation, sterilization, castration – Abortion as a medical, psychological, marital, bioethical and moral issue – Facing the mystery of the origin of life – Clinical and pharmacological research on humans – Molecular genetics and Genetic engineering – Eugenics and alternation engineering – Cloning – Stem cell research – Medical (assisted) fertilization – Prenatal and pre-implantation diagnostics – Terminal phase of human life – Organ transplantation – Euthanasia – Dysthanasia – Implementation of palliative care and hospice in the health care system

Obavezna literatura:

  1. Aramini M. Uvod u Bioetiku. Zagreb: Kršćanska sadašnjost; 2009.
  2. Matulić T. Bioetika. Zagreb: Glas Koncila; 2001.
  3. Tomašević  L. Bioetika iz teološke perspektive. Zagreb: Pergamena; 2014. 
  4. Valjan  V. Bioetika. Sarajevo: Svjetlost riječi; 2004.
  5. Vuletić S. Bioetika. (Scripta ad usum privatum degli studenti) Osijek: Fakultet za dentalnu medicinu i zdravstvo, Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, 2018./2019.


Dopunska literatura:

  1. Rinčić IL. Europska bioetika: ideje i institucije. Zagreb: Pergamena; 2011.
  2. Sgreccia E. Manuale di Bioetica (vol. I i II). Milano: Vita e Pensiero; 2003. 
  3. UNESCO. Bioethics: Core Curriculum. Paris: UNESCO; 2008.

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. To act on a critical assessment of biomedical dilemmas that border on moral and bioethical permissibility and thus require contribution and encouragement to create responsibility;
  2. Influence the achievements of modern biomedicine with a moral and bioethical review, reveal the truth about the value, dignity and inviolability of human life;
  3. Evaluate the noble tendencies of modern biomedical achievements that are developing in accordance with the correct bioethical settings.

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