Students will know about the basic principles of structure and function of biomolecules that can be found in the human body. Gain knowledge on chemical structure, chemical and energy changes, metabolic processes and their regulation in the body of a healthy human with the goal to understand more complex content and pathobiochemical processes of a large number of diseases.
The course covers various topics. Structure and function of proteins. Amino acids. Digestion and absorption of proteins. Metabolism of amino acids and urea cycle. Enzymes and coenzymes. Metabolic fuels and nutritive components. Regulation of metabolic pathways. Carbohydrates and their biological function. Physiologically significant carbohydrates and metabolism of carbohydrates. Glycolysis and gluconeogenesis. Glycogen and pentose phosphate cycle. Citric acid cycle. Oxidative phosphorylation. Lipids. Digestion of lipids. Synthesis and fatty acids degradation. Structure, features and biological role of nucleic acids.
Obavezna literatura:
- Berg JM, Tymoczko J, Stryer L. Biokemija. Zagreb: Školska knjiga; 2013.
- Murray R, Bender D, Botham K, Kennelly P, Rodwell V, Weil P. Harperova ilustrirana biokemija. 28. izd. Zagreb: Medicinska naklada; 2011.
- Glavaš-Obrovac Lj, i sur. Interni priručnik za seminare i vježbe iz Medicinske kemije i biokemije 2. Osijek: Medicinski fakultet Osijek; 2010.
Dopunska literatura:
1. Prema preporuci nastavnika uz pojedinu temu
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
- determine the basic structures of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids
- define the basic principles of biochemical and energy changes, as well as the mechanisms of regulation of carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism
- distinguish the roles of individual enzymes and coenzymes in the body and the mechanisms of enzymatic reactions and actions of coenzymes
- formulate the basic settings of metabolism, metabolic pathways of glucose and the levels of energy absorption from nutrients in a healthy body
- link the structure and biological role of nucleic acids and the flow of genetic information integrate acquired knowledge and skills into practice to better understand different physiological and pathophysiological processes