Introduce students to the psychological characteristics of team work in health care and to the characteristics of each individual role in such a team.
Group: basic terms, definitions, divisions.
Group dynamics and group processes: goals, standards, cohesiveness, roles.
Group management: leadership types, leadership skills, decision making, group work evaluation.
Types of groups in nursing: therapeutic, institutional – orientation group, resocialization group, motivational, for remembering, for therapeutic activities, self-help, educational, for discussions, communication.
Specific features of working with groups of persons with different health problems.
Obavezna literatura:
1. Ajduković M. Grupni pristup u psihosocijalnom radu. Zagreb: Društvo za psihološku pomoć. 1997.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. analyze communication in the group;
2. dentify factors that affect group dynamics;
3. distinguish the types of groups and recognize the stage of development of the group;
4.apply group work in a clinical environment;
5. compare work with different groups of patients in nursing care.