The third and last part, which consists of a three-part curriculum of the English language of the profession (3rd year: English Language
3) of the undergraduate study programme in nursing focuses on the nursing care process of the surgical patient
(a course that students attend on the 3rd year of their studies). At this level, students are systematically improving
professional linguistic knowledge and skills, and to the greatest extent under the responsibility of independence, mastering
skills to follow professional literature in English: by training the skills of research,
preparing summaries and, in particular, presenting data and information. In that way, after completing this
three-part course, students are trained for the process of continuous (self) education that will
be an integral part of their future professional life.
Instructions for writing seminar papers in English – Internet search: use of web browser, recognition of reliable sources
Preoperative nursing care of a surgical patient – terminology
Perioperative nursing care of a surgical patient – terminology
Postoperative nursing care of a surgical patient – terminology
Instructions for making a successful MS Powerpoint presentation based on seminar paper
Group work: discussion on practical problems and difficulties in the preparation of seminar papers and MS
Powerpoint presentations
Instructions for successful oral presentations
Obavezna literatura:
- U.S. Army Medical Department Center and School, Fort Sam Houston, Texas 78234-6100: Nursing Care Of The Surgical Patient:
- izabrani handouti
Dopunska literatura:
- Tanay V. Hrvatsko-engleski i englesko-hrvatski rječnik medicinskog nazivlja. Zagreb: Medicinska naklada; 2003.
- Law J, Martin E, ur. Concise Medical Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2002.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. distinguish between basic English and Croatian nursing terminology related to the process of nursing healthcare of the surgical patient
2. efficiently search through/for professional data on the Internet as well as among written professional resources, selecting useful pieces of information, summarizing as well as presenting them, at the same time taking into consideration the visual identity of the presented materials, correct spelling as well as pronunciation of both Medical English and General English terms.
3. produce a professional seminar paper on the topic of nursing healthcare of a particular surgical patient; by employing critical reading skills analyse and compare management patterns and compose it into a meaningful written output