To train students for estimation of needs, planning, implementation, and evaluation of health care/health education at user's home, and implementation of diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation procedures at user's home, as well as cooperation and work in multidisciplinary team.
Nursing care at home. Planning, preparation, and process of home visit. Needs estimation, planning, implementation, and evaluation health care at home. Diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation procedures at home conditions. Health education of individual and family. Support to family with a sick member. Cooperation and communication with multidisciplinary team. Legal regulations in health care at home.
Practical part of the course (practical lessons) follows themes of theoretical lessons.
Obavezna literatura:
- Plužarić J. (nastavni tekstovi) Osijek: Medicinski fakultet Osijek – Studij sestrinstva; 2017.
- Mrzljak V. Zdravstvena njega u kući. Zagreb: HKMS; 2016.
- Šimunec D, ur. Smjernice za postupke u zdravstvenoj njezi u kući. Zagreb: HKMS; 2009
- Mojsović Z, i sur. Sestrinstvo u zajednici 1. Zagreb: Visoka zdravstvena škola; 2004.
- Mojsović Z, i sur. Sestrinstvo u zajednici 2. Zagreb: Zdravstveno veleučilište Zagreb; 2006.
Dopunska literatura:
- Šimunec D, ur. Smjernice za provođenje zdravstvene njege u patronažnoj djelatnosti. Zagreb: HKMS; 2013.
- Pavić J. Sestrinska skrb za obitelj. Zagreb: Zdravstveno veleučilište Zagreb; 2008.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. identify legal regulations in the field of home health care;
2. adjust the conditions in the house for the implementation of health care;
3. organize materials, accessories, and equipment for the implementation of home health care;
4. carry out the nursing process, health care needs assessment, goal setting, plan development and implementation of procedures, evaluation;
5. carry out diagnostic, therapeutic, and rehabilitation nursing procedures in patient’s home;
6. coordinate a multidisciplinary team in the implementation of home care;
7. maintain the prescribed nursing documentation.