The goal of this course is to present students with basic principles, types and forms of human communication and the specific communication in the health care system and enable them to effectively communicate with patients and their family members.
Introduction into communication: definition of communication, term, types, goals and principles of communication; verbal communication; nonverbal communication; obstacles in communication; listening, significance of listening, techniques of active listening; complaints and techniques of solving complaints; feedback: structure and how to communicate it; assertive communication; empathy and significance of empathy while communicating with a patient and their family; communication with people with limited communication ability; communication with children and adolescents; communication with elderly; presentational skills; communication within the team; leading styles.
Obavezna literatura:
1. Reardon KK. Interpersonalna komunikacija – Gdje se misli susreću. Zagreb: Alineja; 1998.
Dopunska literatura:
1. Pennington DC. Osnove socijalne psihologije. Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap; 1996.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
- define communication, explain the concept, types, goals and principles of communication;
- compare basic communication styles;
- anticipate basic barriers to communication with the patient and patient’s family member;
- compare and interpret the specifics of communication with children, adolescents and the elderly;
- choose an appropriate leadership style in the team;
- create the communication skills required for working in the dental team and with the patient and his family;
- valorize work in the dental team with regard to ethical principles.