Familiarise students with basics of research methodology.
Show students ways of using information related to the health care field and the nursing profession.Explain to students the application of statistical methods and procedures in health care.
Get students acquainted with types of research in the field of health care.
Scientific research
Hypothesis and statistical hypothesis
Types of research
Research planning
Interpretation of results
Presentation of data
Scientific publication
Structure of scientific article
Publishing research work
Obavezna literatura:
1. Marušić M, ur. Uvod u znanstveni rad u medicini. 4. izd. Zagreb: Medicinska naklada; 2008.
2. Petz B. Osnovne statističke metode za nematematičare. 5. izd. Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap; 2004.
Dopunska literatura:
- Day RA, Gastel N. How to write and publish a scientific paper. 6. izd. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press; 2006.
- Lang T, Secic M. How To Report Statistics in Medicine: Annotated Guidelines for Authors, Editors, and Reviewers. 2. izd. Philadelphia: American College of Physicians; 2006.
- Ogrinc GS, Headrick LA. Fundamentals of Health Care Improvement. Oakbrook Terrace (Il): USA Joint Commission Resources; 2008.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. apply knowledge from the research methodology and integrate it with the acquired knowledge about the use of information in the field of health care and the application of statistical methods and procedures in the specified scientific field;
2. apply basic knowledge and skills for research and use of professional and scientific literature;
3. explain the different structures of health research;
4. apply different ways of presenting the data collected in the research;
5. evaluate critical data representations and scientific reports on research in the field of health care.