Introduction to gynecological endoscopy. Endoscopic anatomy. Laparoscopy. Hysterescopy. Minimally invasive gynaecological surgery. Laparoscopic and hysterescopic instruments. Sources and application of various forms of energy in gynaecological endoscopy. The technique of safe entry into the abdominal cavity in laparoscopy. Diagnostic laparoscopy. Laparoscopy in benign pathology and gynecologic oncology. Modern methods and trends in laparoscopy and treatment of endometriosis. Robotic surgery. Hysterescopy in benign pathology. Hysterescopy in the diagnosis of invasive and minimally invasive neoplasms. Endoscopy in the treatment of pelvic floor defects and incontinence. Perspectives of endoscopy.

The course Anatomy will be observed from a functional viewpoint with special emphasis on clinical anatomy of adults.  In clinically significant fields students have to know the anatomy of children, youth and pregnant women.  Students have to be qualified to find and identify anatomic structures on the thorax, abdomen and extremities they will encounter in their clinical work every day. Furthermore, they have to recognise clinically significant differences that could affect the determination of clinical diagnoses and treatment.  They have to recognise the mechanics of joint movement on the extremities and understand their significance during a clinical check-up. 

Obavezna literatura:

  1. Kopjar M. Ginekološka endoskopija, laparoskopija, histeroskopija. Zagreb: vlastita naklada; 1999.
  2. Zbornik radova s XIX. Poslijediplomskog tečaja Minimalno invazivne ginekološke kirurgije „Kurt Semm“. Zabok/Čakovec; 2017.

Dopunska literatura:

  1. Karck U, Runge HM, Kopjar M. Endoskopska kirurgija u ginekologiji. Svezak I. Laparoskopija. Slikovni priručnik za postupak informiranog pristanka pacijentica. Tuttlingen, Njemačka: Endo Press Tuttlingen; 2012.
  2. Karck U, Runge H.M., Kopjar M. Endoskopska kirurgija u ginekologiji. Svezak II. Histeroskopija. Slikovni priručnik za postupak informiranog pristanka pacijentica. Tuttlingen, Njemačka: Endo Press Tuttlingen; 2012.

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