The first part of the English language curriculum at the University undergraduate study programme in nursing (1 year
English Language 1) with the introduction to medical terminology, i.e. morphology of medical terms and formation of
words also includes physical systems, with the main emphasis on practical application, i.e.
nurse interventions and the health care process related to specific physical diseases
of the system.
By adopting a number of the most frequent basis of words, prefixes and suffixes, students will master
a kind of tool that will enable them not only to recognize a large number of medical
terms, but also the formation of the word as needed.
The aim of the comprehensive curriculum of English language (English for Medical Purposes) is to make it easier for students
to follow professional literature in English, and by training the skills of research,
preparing summaries and, in particular, presenting data and information for the continuous process
of (self) education that will be an integral part of their future professional life.
Introduction to word formation (medical terminology in English). Suffixes, prefixes, basics of word formation Basics of word formation; word analysis; formation: words roots + combining forms, Latin and Greek roots of words in medical terminology and examples of the formation of nomenclature using these roots and comparisons with the formation in Croatian; tasks and exercises.
Suffixes: common suffixes in medical nomenclature and the creation of professional terminology with them; understanding of complex words; a number of common medical terms, their explanation, that is, understanding of certain parts of words and the formation of new ones; noun, adjective, verb, adverb and other endings (according to the rules of creation of each foreign language); Latin plurals of medical terminology; tasks and exercises.
Prefixes:prefixes + root of the word + combining forms + suffix; common prefixes and medical terminology; tasks and exercises.
Terms relating to the body as a whole:structural organisation of the body (cells, tissues, organs, systems, organisms); body cavities, abdominal pelvic regions (9) and quadrants, anatomical division of the spine, expressions for the position and direction, body planes; tasks and exercises.
Integumentary system – skin:Skin structure and function; associated organs: hair, nails, sweat and sebaceous glands; keywords, roots, main terms; skin lesions, abnormal conditions and neoplasms; laboratory tests and clinical procedures; practical use: nursing care of a dermatological patient
Musculoskeletal system: function and organs; bones– formation and structure; bone fragments and indentations of bone tissue; skull and facial bones; spine and vertebra structure; chest and pelvic bones; arm and leg bones; keywords, word roots, main concepts; bone diseases and fractures; joints– types and structures of joints; bursae, tendons, ligaments, cartilages; keywords, word roots, main terms; joint diseases; muscles– types of muscles; activity of skeletal muscles; movement; keywords, word roots, main terms; muscle diseases; laboratory tests; practical application: uric acid test, kinase creatine (CK).
Digestive system: anatomy, main organs and their function; keywords; word roots, suffixes, prefixes, main terms; laboratory tests; practical application: Helicobacter pylori, liver tests, stool analysis; digestive system diseases; practical application: Nursing care of patients with eating disorders – anorexia, bulimia; tasks and exercises.
Urinary tract:anatomy, main organs and their function; urine creation in kidneys; keywords; word roots, suffixes, prefixes, main terms; urinary tract diseases and nomenclature related thereto; laboratory tests; tasks and exercises.
Obavezna literatura:
- Režić P, Žurić-Havelka S. Introduction to Basic Medical Terminology for Health Professions. Zagreb: Zdravstveno veleučilište Zagreb; 2013. (izabrana poglavlja)
- izabrani handouti
Dopunska literatura:
- Tanay V. Hrvatsko-engleski i englesko-hrvatski rječnik medicinskog nazivlja. Zagreb: Medicinska naklada; 2003.
- Law J, Martin E, ur. Concise Medical Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2002.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. analyze medical terms and determine the meaning of prefix, suffix or word root in relation to the medical term as a whole
2. apply knowledge of medical suffixes, prefixes and combining forms when creating medical terms
3. correlate English medical terms related to the body as a whole (types of cells, tissues, organs, body systems: body cavities and organs located in them) to equivalent Croatian language terminology; differentiate among English medical terms for position, direction as well as body planes;
4. identify the most important parts of body systems, describe their functions, distinguish the most frequent disorders of a particular body system and plan the process of nursing healthcare accordingly (nursing interventions).