The goal of the course is acquiring general and specific knowledge, skills and competences in modern nursing care for a mother and a new-born, in all segments of health, neonatal and gynaecological-obstetrical care respecting physical, psychosocial, mental and cultural factors that can affect health of pregnant woman, mother, midwives and new-born.
Content of the course is:
Historical motherhood development; Antenatal care and modern motherhood care; Physiological changes in pregnancy; Diet in pregnancy; Embryonal and embryo development; High-risky, multiple embryo and adolescent pregnancy; Health care of pregnant women with heart diseases, anaemia and vomiting; Health problems in antepartum period; Preparation of pregnant women for birth; Basic terms for normal birth, birth methods and complications in birth; Urgent states in pregnancy; Postnatal period and postnatal complications; New-born assessment and supply of a new-born directly after the birth; Characteristics of healthy new-born child and biological appearances at new-born; Birth traumas; Nursing care for family after the child birth
Obavezna literatura:
- Mardešić D, i sur. Pedijatrija. Zagreb: Školska knjiga; 2009.
- Turuk V. Zdravstvena njega majke i novorođenčeta. 2004. (nastavni tekstovi)
- Habazin I. Zdravstvena njega majke i novorođenčeta. 2006. (nastavni tekstovi)
- Kralj Vasilj M. (nastavni tekstovi Fakulteta za dentalnu medicnu i zdravstvo Osijek)
Dopunska literatura:
- Carpenito LJ. Handbook of nursing diagnosis. 14. izd. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincot Company; 2012.
- Gomella T, Eyal F, Bany-Mohammed F. Gomella's Neonatology. 8. izd. Ohio: McGraw-Hill Education; 2020.
- Meštrović J. Hitna stanja u pedijatriji. Zagreb: Medicinska naklada; 2011.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
- identify problems in the antenatal, intrapartum, and postpartum period in pregnant women, mothers, and midwives based on data collection, assessment, analysis, and interpretation of data.
- carry out the nursing care process, health care needs assessment, goal setting, plan development and implementation of procedures, evaluation.
- argue the methods of childbirth, preparation of the pregnant woman for childbirth, and possible complications in childbirth.
- assess emergencies in women during pregnancy and midwifery/puerperium.
- determine physiological changes in newborns in the early neonatal period and when leaving the maternity ward.
- identify conditions that require urgent interventions in the neonatal period.
- demonstrate breastfeeding techniques and alternative ways of feeding the newborn, ways to stimulate and preserve the sucking reflex.
- present screening procedures in newborns and the method of screening records.