Acquiring knowledge about the cell structure and function, organelles and cell cycle characteristics and regulation. Learning the genetic principles of inheritance based on Mendel’s laws. Acquiring knowledge about the types and characteristics of tissues. Acquiring knowledge about the structure and function of the oral cavity and glands in the oral cavity. Understanding the concepts and laws necessary for examining the basic events occurring at the cell and tissue level.
Cell characteristics and functions. Origin of cells. Structure. Types. Cell membrane. Structure. Function. Passive and active transport. Cell membrane systems. Endoplasmic reticulum, structure and function. Golgi apparatus, structure and function. Cellular energetics. Mitochondrion structure and function. ATP synthesis. Nucleus. Structure of the nucleus. Euchromatin and heterochromatin. Transport between the nucleus and cytoplasm. Chromosomes. Human genome. Nucleic acids. Organisation of the human genome. DNA replication. Gene expression. Transcription. Translation. Regulation of gene expression. Cell cycle. Phases. Regulation mechanisms. Basic principles of inheritance. Mendel’s laws. Tissues. Concept of tissue. Structural hierarchy: tissues, organs, organ systems. Types of tissue. Epithelial tissue. Cartilaginous tissue. Bone tissue. Muscle tissue. Nervous tissue. Oral cavity. Structure of the oral cavity. Tongue. Pharynx. Teeth. Periodontium. Glands in the oral cavity.
Assigned reading:
- G.M. Cooper, R.E. Hausmann, Stanica: molekularni pristup, 5. izdanje, Medicinska naklada Zagreb, 2010
- Junqueira L.C., Carnerio J., Kelley R.O, Osnove histologije,10.izdanje, Školska knjiga Zagreb, 2006.