The objective of the course is to teach students to recognise clinical symptoms and signs of diseases of internal organs and organ systems, venereal diseases and skin diseases, with a focus on their oral manifestations. During the course, students will learn how to approach dental patients suffering from internal organ diseases. They will also learn the methods of conducting physical examinations and measuring vital signs. Moreover, students will learn how to conduct basic medical and technical procedures and interpret basic laboratory indicators important for administering dental treatment. Students will learn how to connect fundamental pathophysiological knowledge with the clinical presentation and the course of disease onset. Students will also learn to draw conclusions on the most probable diagnosis, necessary diagnostic procedures and therapy based on the data collected. Special importance is attached to the method of performing dental procedures in high-risk patients, risk assessment prior to dental procedures and justification for performing dental procedures in high-risk patients. Students will also be introduced to emergency internal medical conditions in the dental office and the adequate algorithm for emergency response.

Medical history and examination of the patient’s teeth and oral cavity. Status of internal medicine patients – risk assessment for performing dental procedures. Oral manifestations of gastrointestinal diseases. Cardiac patients in the dental office – precautions. Communicable diseases and dental patients. Dental approach to kidney disease patients – precautions in case of kidney failure and haemodialysis. Oral manifestations of respiratory diseases. Oral manifestations of hematologic diseases. Coagulation disorders in dental procedures – the most important laboratory findings. Dental patients suffering from endocrine diseases. Measuring blood sugar levels in dental patients. Dental patients suffering from rheumatic diseases. Oral manifestations of rheumatic diseases. Dental patients and administration of medications. Oral manifestations of side effects of medications. Anaphylactic shock and other emergencies in the dental office.

Assigned reading:

  1. Vrhovac B, Jakšić B, Reiner Ž, Vucelić B. Interna medicina. 4. iz. Zagreb: Naklada Ljevak; 2008. (odabrana poglavlja)
  2. Nastavni materijali sa seminara i predavanja.


Further reading:

  1. Včev A, Burton N, Objektivno strukturirano kliničko ispitivanje – OSKI. 1. hrvatsko izdanje. Osijek: Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta J.J. Strossmayera u Osijeku; 2015.

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