This is the first course related to dentistry in the dental hygiene curriculum. It is a part of general pre-clinical dentistry courses and its objective is to introduce students to their future profession, following the principles of ethics and deontology.


The objective of the course is to provide students – future dental hygienists – with a detailed insight into dentistry as a professional and scientific discipline, but also as a professional occupation in early stages of their studies. This is to be achieved through lectures on selected topics.

Definition of dental medicine – the concept of ethics and deontology; history of dental medicine; educational programme; faculty organisation and functioning; students’ rights and obligations; introduction to the basics of the profession;

branches of dental medicine (professional and scientific orientation in dental medicine – morphology and dental anthropology; paediatric and preventive dental medicine; orthodontics; endodontics and restorative dental medicine; periodontology; oral surgery; dental prosthetics; oral medicine; organisation of dental services in the Republic of Croatia; teamwork and staff; informatisation in dental medicine; what to do after graduating from the faculty; how to study successfully;

oral hygiene diagnosis and indices; oral cavity examination (detecting caries, dental implants, fillings, prosthetics, etc.); oral cavity examination; detection of periodontal indices; methods of eliminating supragingival calculus; methods for eliminating subgingival calculus (electronic devices); tooth polishing and substances for reducing tooth root sensitivity; check-ups (communication, scheduling, content): motivation and remotivation of patients to maintain good oral hygiene; training patients with natural dentition, dental prosthetics and orthodontic appliances to maintain good oral hygiene; training patients with dental implants and superstructures to maintain good oral hygiene; maintaining good oral hygiene of hospitalised patients and patients with high health risks; oral hygiene in dental protection programs.

Assigned reading:

1. Keros J. Uvod u stomatologiju. Stomatološki fakultet u Zagrebu 2007.

2. Jerolimov V. Hrvatsko stomatološko društvo od Austro-Ugarske monarhije do Europske unije, Hrvatski liječnički zbor, 2013.


Further reading:

1.Hraste – Gržić, Uvod u stomatologiju, Opća i socijalna stomatologija, Medicinski fakultet Rijeka, 2006.

2. Zakon o stomatološkoj djelatnosti, 2007.

3. Topić B., Tahmišćija H. Stomatološka propedeutika, Stomatološki fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu, Sarajevo - Zagreb, 2002.

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Expression of Healthcare Professionals at Scientific Professional Meetings and Publications


Contemporary Nursing: History as a Foundation, Theory as a Source, Education as a Path, Quality as an Obligation, Science as a Truth


Nursing Education and Science (NES)

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