The objective of the course is to promote general and oral health, healthy lifestyles and adoption of healthy lifestyle habits through interdisciplinary work and educational contents.

Introduction to health education, basic concepts; history and development of health education in the world and in Croatia; health and illness, public health; public health system, health education in dentistry

Natural history of disease, lethal substances, communicable and non-communicable diseases, risk factors of the occurrence of disease, ecological risk factors, socioeconomic risk factors, work environment factors; routes of transmission of communicable diseases

Air quality as a risk factor for the occurrence of communicable and non-communicable diseases and public health prevention measures; climate, microclimate, radiation and effect on health

Hygienic and epidemiological characteristics and quality of water and soil as risk factors for the occurrence of communicable and non-communicable diseases and public health prevention measures

Food safety and quality as risk factors for the occurrence of communicable and non-communicable diseases and public health prevention measures; food chain; food and nutrition policy

Nutrition-related public health aspects of improving oral health; nutrients, minerals, vitamins; types of foodstuff, their processing and systematic and local effect on the oral health status

Influence of community factors (solid and liquid waste, housing, noise, vibrations, lighting, traffic, school environment, etc.) on population health and public health prevention measures against illnesses and injuries

Caries, parodontopathy, cardiovascular diseases, malignant diseases, HIV/AIDS as sociomedical diseases, and public health prevention measures

Socioeconomic factors (employment, level of education, living and working conditions, prostitution, wars, migrations, emergencies, etc.) as risk factors for populations and public health prevention measures

Behaviour as a risk factor for the occurrence of sociomedical diseases (smoking, drug addiction, alcoholism, unhealthy diet, insufficient physical activity, etc.) and public health prevention measures

Role of health education in the prevention of sociomedical diseases and improvement of public health; health education methods, health education tools, participants in health education

Assigned reading:

  1. Sindik J, Rončević, T. Metode zdravstvenog odgoja i promocije zdravlja, Dubrovnik: Sveučilište u Dubrovniku; 2014. Dostupno na: ( )
  2. Ilić V, Ilić  R. Metodika zdravstvenog odgoja: priručnik za učenike medicinskih škola. 3. izd. Zagreb: Školska knjiga; 2009.


Further reading:

  1. Jakšić Ž, Kovačić L. i sur. Socijalna medicina. Zagreb: Medicinska naklada; 2000.

Category I Continuing Medical Education Course: REHABILITATION IN CLINICAL MEDICINE - Cardiovascular Rehabilitation


1st postgraduate course of continuous medical training of the 1st category “Sport and heart”


Expression of Healthcare Professionals at Scientific Professional Meetings and Publications


Contemporary Nursing: History as a Foundation, Theory as a Source, Education as a Path, Quality as an Obligation, Science as a Truth


Nursing Education and Science (NES)

Scientific-professional Journal