The objective of the course is to master the basic knowledge and skills in the area of emergency medicine and basic life support. Recognising the signs of evident or possible life-threatening conditions at a level corresponding to professional competence and facilities available at the location where emergency medical services are provided is part of the fundamental professional knowledge of all healthcare professionals, including dental hygienists. Considering the importance of early detection and treatment of emergency conditions for patient treatment outcomes, students must practice the basic skills applied in emergency medicine. The main objective is to teach students basic life support procedures as fundamental knowledge of all medical professionals, and to teach them to identify life-threatening conditions and provide initial care according to the dental hygienist’s scope of work.

Emergency dental and medical conditions in the dental office. Checking vital signs and severity of the medical condition. Most common symptoms and laboratory indicators in emergency medicine. Recognising and assessing acute and emergency conditions (related to internal medicine, neurology, psychiatry, infectiology, ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology, gynaecology, paediatrics). Basic and advanced life support for adults, children and pregnant women. Recognising, assessing and providing initial care to surgical and trauma patients (burns/frostbites, chemical and electrical injuries, stings/bites, haemorrhages, fractures, polytrauma, traumatic shock). Classification and causes of shock. Communication in case of emergency conditions and transport of patients with life-threatening conditions.

Assigned reading:

  1. Gašparović V, i sur. Hitna Medicina. 2. dop. izd. Zagreb: Medicinska naklada; 2019.
  2. Peršec J. Anesteziologija u dentalnoj medicini. Zagreb: Medicinska naklada; 2019.
  3. Včev A, Burton N. Objektivno strukturirano kliničko ispitivanje – OSKI. 1.hrv.izd. Osijek: Medicinski fakultet Osijek; 2015.
  4. Smjernice za rad izvanbolničke hitne službe (dostupno na: https://www.hzhm.hr/source/smjernice/smjernice-za-rad-izvanbolnicke-hitne.pdf)


Further reading:

  1. Šakić KZ, i sur. Klinička anesteziologija, reanimatologija i intenzivno liječenje. Osijek: Medicinski fakultet; 2008.

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