Introduction to anaesthesia and analgesia in dental medicine
- Definitions of clinical indications for choosing regional or general anaesthesia
- Medications used to achieve analgesia
- Routes of analgesic administration: peroral, parenteral, inhaled analgesics
Introduction to the types of anaesthesia in dental medicine
- General anaesthesia: indications, contraindications
- Regional anaesthesia techniques – nerve blocks, topical anaesthesia: indications and contraindications
- Medications and tools for performing regional anaesthesia
- Assessment of the effect of block and topical anaesthesia
Characteristics of analgesia and anaesthesia in children
Introduction to side effects of anaesthesia and analgesia in dental medicine, emergency procedures carried out by the dental hygienist in case of side effects
Introduction to the types of anaesthesia in dental medicine
- General anaesthesia: indications, contraindications
- Regional anaesthesia techniques – specific nerve blocks, topical anaesthesia: indications and contraindications
- Medications and tools for performing regional anaesthesia
- Assessment of the effect of block and topical anaesthesia
- Pain scale
Analgesia in dental medicine
- Definition of premedication, peroral analgesia
- parenteral analgesia, intravenous, intramuscular
- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs used to achieve analgesia
- Routes of analgesic administration: peroral, parenteral, inhaled analgesics
Analgesia and anaesthesia administered to children in dental medicine
Side effects of anaesthesia and analgesia in dental medicine, emergency procedures carried out by the dental hygienist in case of side effects
Assigned reading:
- K. Šakić i suradnici: Anesteziologija,reanimatologija i intenzivno liječenje, Fakultet za dentalnu medicinu i zdravstvo Osijek, 2018. Nastavni tekst(skripta), online
- Peršec J. i sur. Anesteziologija u dentalnoj medicini.Stomatološki fakultet, Zagreb, Fakultet za dentalnu medicinu i zdravstvo, Osijek ISBN 978-953-176-899-3, Medicinska naklada, Zagreb, 2019,
- K. Šakić i suradnici: Klinička anesteziologija, Grafika, Osijek, 2008.
Further reading:
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