English Language 2

MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM – introduction, structure and formation of bones, processes and depressions; cranial bones, facial bones, vertebral column and structure of vertebrae

MIŠIĆNO-KOŠTANI SUSTAV – uvod, struktura kostiju, vrste kostiju, koštana udubljenja i nastavci, kosti lubanje, kosti lica, kralješnica i građa kralješka

Bones of thorax, pelvis and extremities, vocabulary, CFs and suffixes, exercises

Terms related to specific bones

Pathological conditions – Bones

Bones of thorax, pelvis and extremities, medical terminology, basics of word formation and suffixes related to the musculoskeletal system, expressions related to certain bones; pathological conditions and bone-related changes

MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM – joints and pathological conditions 

Muscles – types, actions

MIŠIĆNO-KOŠTANI SUSTAV – vrste zglobova i njihova patološka stanja i promjene

Mišići – vrste, funkcije

Vocabulary, CFs, suffixes, prefixes; Pathological conditions – Muscles; Laboratory tests and clinical procedures

Exercises, Pronunciation

Terminology, basics for word formation, joint and muscle-related suffixes; laboratory tests and clinical procedures

Tasks – exercise; pronunciation exercise

Review chapter 15

Chapoter 16 SKIN – introduction, structure of the skin, accessory organs of the skin, vocabulary

CFs and suffixes, exercises

Ponavljanje 15. poglavlje

Poglavlje 16: Koža – uvod, struktura kože, pomoćni organi, terminologija

Chapter 16 SKIN – Pathological conditions

Laboratory tests and clinical procedures

Vocabulary, CFs and suffixes


Review Chapter 16

Chapter 16: Pathological conditions and skin changes, laboratory tests and clinical procedures, medical terminology, basics for word formation and medical suffixes related to the skin

Presentation of seminar papers

Presentation of seminar presentations on a predetermined schedule, with a brief discussion after each individual seminar presentation

Presentation of seminar papers

Presentation of seminar presentations on a predetermined schedule, with a brief discussion after each individual seminar presentation

Presentation of seminar papers

Presentation of seminar presentations on a predetermined schedule, with a brief discussion after each individual seminar presentation

Short written examination on medical terminology (Musculoskeletal system, Integumentary system)

The areas of biomedical sciences envisioned in the programme of the second study year are: basics of neuroscience, histology and embryology, biochemistry, physiology and immunology.

Required course materials:

Davi-Ellen Chabner: The Language of Medicine, 8th edition, Saunders, 2007

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. assess medical terms and determine the meaning of prefix, suffix and word root in relation to the medical term as a whole
  2. apply knowledge of medical suffixes, prefixes and combining forms when creating medical terms
  3. correlate English medical terms related to the body as a whole (types of cells, tissues, organs, body systems: body cavities and organs located in them) to equivalent Croatian language terminology; differentiate among English medical terms for position, direction as well as body planes 
  4. correlate English medical terminology for the most important parts of the musculoskeletal and gastrointestinal system with Croatian equivalents, describe their functions, determine the most frequent disorders of a particular body system and estimate special dental management considerations in treatment of such a patient (diabetes mellitus)
  5. correlate English medical terms for dental anatomy to equivalent Croatian language terminology; differentiate among English medical terms for types of dentition, occlusion, orientation planes, types of teeth and teeth numbering system(s) etc.

Category I Continuing Medical Education Course: REHABILITATION IN CLINICAL MEDICINE - Cardiovascular Rehabilitation


1st postgraduate course of continuous medical training of the 1st category “Sport and heart”


Expression of Healthcare Professionals at Scientific Professional Meetings and Publications


Contemporary Nursing: History as a Foundation, Theory as a Source, Education as a Path, Quality as an Obligation, Science as a Truth


Nursing Education and Science (NES)

Scientific-professional Journal