Dental medicine and medical law

The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the concept of health and medical law; acquire knowledge of the health care system and its organizational forms in the Republic of Croatia; become familiar with the participants in the health care process; acquire knowledge of the legal nature of the relationship between providers and users of health care services; to become familiar with the supervision and responsibility of health care providers; to acquire knowledge of chambers in the health care system and their organization, as well as knowledge of positive legal regulations as a framework for the provision of health care services in the Republic of Croatia; to become familiar with the rights of patients and the legal regulation of the use of parts of the human body for the purpose of treatment.

Concept, sources and basic principles of health and medical law. Subjects of medical activity. Health services and their providers and users. Health care activity and its organizational forms in the Republic of Croatia. Participants in the process of health care provision. The legal nature of the relationship between health care providers and users. Doctor-patient relationship. Supervision and responsibility of health care providers. Health care chambers and their organization. Disciplinary responsibility of doctors of dentistry. Positive legal regulations as a framework for the provision of health care services in the Republic of Croatia. Law on health care. Law on compulsory health insurance. Act on supplementary health insurance. Law on protection of patients' rights. Duties and responsibilities of the patient. Legal regulation of the use of parts of the human body for treatment purposes.

Required course materials:

  1. Zakon o zdravstvenoj zaštiti, NN – 100/18; NN – 125/19

  2. Zakon o liječništvu, NN – 121/03; NN – 117/08

  3. Zakon o zaštiti prava pacijenata, NN – 169/04; NN – 37/08

  4. Zakon o obveznom zdravstvenom osiguranju, NN – 80/13; NN – 137/13; NN – 98/19

  5. Zakon o dobrovoljnom zdravstvenom osiguranju, NN – 85/06; NN – 150/08; NN – 71/10

  6. Zakon o kvaliteti zdravstvene zaštite, NN – 118/18

  7. Zakon o podacima i informacijama u zdravstvu; NN – 14/19

  8. Zakon o presađivanju ljudskih organa u svrhu liječenja, NN – 144/12

  9. Kodeks medicinske etike i deontologije, NN – 55/08

Supplemental course materials:

  1. Babić T, Roksandić S. Osnove zdravstvenog prava. Zagreb: Tipex d.o.o.; 2006.

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

1. determine the concept of health and medical law and the basic principles of medical law;

2. compare organizational forms of health care in the Republic of Croatia;

3. critically assess the role of individual participants in the health care process and compare the legal nature of the relationship between providers and users of health services, and determine the patient’s rights;

4. determine the methods of supervision and assess the responsibility of health care providers;

5. compare medical chambers and assess their structure and role;

6. determine and compare the conditions and benefits of compulsory and voluntary health insurance;

7. review ethical dilemmas and argue the reasons for and against the use of human body parts for medical purposes; and determine their legal basis and regulations.

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