Fixed Prosthetics 1

The course teaches students about changes in the stomatognathic system caused by partial tooth loss. The aim of the course is to teach the student about laboratory and clinical knowledge necessary for independent production of fixed prosthetic replacements.

Introduction and review of modern methods of fixed prosthetic supply and rehabilitation. Overview of doctrine aspects of fixed prosthetic supply and rehabilitation: anchoring system and structure. Clinical phases of work in fixed dentures. Diagnostics of fixed dentures and evaluation of biological foundations. Index of needs for prosthetic care. Planning of fixed dentures: biological aspects of bridge planning, analysis of gaps in the tooth arch, static aspects of bridge planning, decision-making algorithms for the planning of fixed dentures. Recovery and preparatory procedures before fixed dentures supply. Oral hygiene of a patient with dentures, and preventive aspects of dentures. Preparations in fixed dentures: general and specific restoration, choice of dental drill bits, marginal comparison, cementation and preparation. Fixed dentures implants of vital and endodonically treated teeth. Impressions: methods, materials, options. Temporary fixed prosthetic supply: protection of the dentin wound and provisional works. Registration of the dental bite and concepts of a new prosthetic occlusion.

Required course materials:

  1. Ćatović A i sur. Klinička fiksna protetika. Zagreb: Stomatološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu; 1999. 
  2. Shillinbgburg T, Hobo S, Whisett L, Jacobi R. Osnove fiksne protetike. Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc.; 2008. 
  3. Uhač I. Potpune krunice – Osnove brušenja, Autorizirano predavanje; 2011.
  5. Uhač I. Estetske fiksnoprotetske rekonstrukcije – Klinički i laboratorijski pristup. Autorizirano predavanje; 2011.

Supplemental course materials:

  1. Rosenstiel SF, Land MF, Fujimoto J. Contemporary fixed prosthodontics, 4th ed. Odabrana poglavlja. St. Louis: Mosby Inc.; 2006. 
  2. Živko-Babić J, Jerolimov V. Metali u stomatološkoj protetici. Odabrana poglavlja. Zagreb : Školska knjiga; 2005. 
  3. Jerolimov V i sur. Stomatološki materijali. Zagreb : Stomatološki fakultet; 2005. ( Odabrana poglavlja.

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

1. Successfully identify all fixed-prosthetic replacements

2. Know the preparation techniques for making superstructures and the principles of grinding teeth

3. Identify indications and contraindications for the manufacture of fixed prosthetic replacements

4. Critically judge when and in which situation an appropriate fixed-prosthetic replacement is indicated

5. Know the types and indications for the application of appropriate temporary or permanent cement

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